Monday 5 February 2024

Happy Homemaker 2024-02-05

 Good morning February

Last week I ended up going to the doctor for my eyes.  My eye infection was getting worse.  He told me the medication I got at the pharmacy was not strong enough for what I had.  So now I have antibiotic drops for 7 days, started on it last Wednesday and it is just starting to feel better.

Grandchildren came for supper on Thursday and Friday.  Friday evening dh, ds and the granchildren went to skating rink.  There was music, toasts, marshmallows and hot chocolate.  They spent more time sliding than skating.  I didn't go as I didn't want air in my eyes.

Weekend started the deep-spring cleaning and did some cooking.  Sunday had supper with bils and sil - pizza.

Today is more housechores.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom .  

The Weather

This week will be balmy during the day but cold nights
Clear with periodic clouds
Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy

Looking around the house
Valentine's decor has been up since last week.  Sun is out so starting to feel like wanting to get the sunshine in... but still too cold.
Put away my 3rd 1000 piece puzzle of the year.  That's enough for this year, need to move on to other things.

Thinking and pondering
Will need to think about going to see parents soon (not next weekend as they have an activity planned with sis - ice fishing- and dh doesn't want to go to the activity)
Have been putting off going to town to buy what I need to finish basement bedrooms so that will have to be done soon too... I'll take a day off for that.

Tv this week
Le bon docteur
Discussions avec mes parents
Le résident
Les bracelets rouges (saison 3)
L'oeil du cyclone
La voix (saison 10)
5e rang (dernière saison)
When calls the heart
MasterChef Québec (1st season)
5 gars pour moi
BB Québec (season 4)
Le bonheur (just for dh, not watching this)
La candidate
L'amour est dans le pré
Temps de chien

.. and a few more

Listening to or interesting blog I saw this week
50 ways to improve your life

Things on the menu this week
chili, ragoût de boulettes, ...

On my reading pile
A man called Ove - Frederik Bachman

On my to-do list

Last weekend
  • Laundry
  • Wash main bathroom
  • Vac main floor
  • Make a few overnight oats pots for my breakfasts this week
  • Cook some hard-boiled eggs for this week
  • Deep spring-cleaned office (ceiling, walls, inside window, floors, woodwork, furniture, light fixture)
  • Cut up a pineapple
  • Updated Christmas budget for 2023
  • Printed out Christmas gift list for 2024
  • Updated the list of Christmas movies I've watched the past few years (don't want to record those I have already seen)
  • Couscous to add to a few meals
  • Take my pressure (need to do it once in awhile... all was ok)
  • Post here - DONE
  • Start deep spring-cleaning my bedroom
  • Prep for in-town work tomorrow
  • ....
  • Hockey game (was ds but missing pieces)
  • Universal tv remote
  • 1 glass container with lid (broken)

Upcoming this week
Tuesday - in-town work

To relax this week or In my crafting basket 

Jasmine tea while I read and clear my head

From the camera:

Grandchildren at skating rink.  Xavier eating his marshmallow

Funny of the week:


  1. What a beautiful photo of the grandchildren!
    We have also started with the 3rd puzzle, now one of 1500 pieces...
    There are no bears here with us, but there are wolves.
    I wish you a wonderful week and hope that your eye will recover quickly.

  2. I hope this eye medication clears up the infection for you! Have a wonderful week!

  3. Glad you were able to get stronger medicine for your eyes and that they are starting to feel better. Wow, three 1000 piece puzzles seems like a lot to me! Of course, I'm not really a puzzle person. Cute picture of your grandkids. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. Oh, how sad about your eye; glad these drops are helping more. Our eyes are so vulnerable. I can imagine that cold air is not good for your eye right now. Better that you stayed home.

    The photo of your grandkids is adorable. Tell me about jasmine tea. Is it tasty? Something like chamomile?

  5. Looks like you had a great time with grandchild. Hope your eye gets better soon.

  6. Hi Lucie! :)
    I'm so glad you got the right meds for your eyes and that they're feeling better. I need to work on my Spring cleaning list. I have so much I want to do. It never ends, does it? That is such a sweet pic of the grandkids 💜 And your funny was so cute!! Blessings. xo

  7. I hope your eye gets better soon! Love the pic of the grands!!
