Sunday, 9 February 2025

Happy Homemaker 2025-02-10

Good morning 

1 week in Florida for vacation was great.  Sun, warmth and relaxation.  We shared a room with sis and bil.  With the $$ exchange rate (was 47%), yikes!  

Got to see uncle and aunt 2 days in Clewiston, FL and then 4 nights in Miami.  We had a great condo in Miami ( much less luxurious in Clewiston... needed a little love and lots of renovations).  

We spent a few days at the beach (could see the Ocean from our room window) and visited Miami Beach, Monkey Jungle (was disappointing, a hurricane had hit and destroyed much of the tunnel and monkeys were on the run... so they have to rebuild and catch the monkeys), Winwood Wall (all graffities and art, was beautiful!), Fort Meyers Beach, and got to visit a friend from work who is retired and was in Florida for 3 months at her condo.

Then when we got back at sis (arrived at midnight Monday the 3rd), slept there and Tuesday had breakfast and lunch with parents before coming back home.  Got here at 4:15 and at 4:20 got a call to pick up grandkids at daycare so they had supper here with us.  

Wednesday was back to work, not too bad a week, so got caught up.  

Thursday dh had grandkids all day as daycare was on strike.  He drove them home after supper.

Friday evening dh went to hockey game with neighbor and his wife came over to chat and spend the evening.

Saturday was some deep spring-cleaning of my craft closet (that is a BIG job) and supper at restaurant in town as neighbor was celebrating her 60th bday.

Sunday was housechores and tummy aches... lots of garlic and onions at restaurant last night even though I was careful with what I chose.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom . , 

The weather

Partly cloudy
Snow showers
Mostly sunny
Partly cloudy

Looking around the house
Spring cleaning is in the air.... but it is mostly clean

Thinking and pondering
Decluttering needs to be happening

TV this week
  • Indéfendable (saison 3)
  • Stats (saison 3)
  • L'oeil du cyclone (saison 4)
  • Dumas (season 1)
  • Cerebrum (saison 3)
  • Alertes (saison 5)
  • Mea Culpa (saison 1)
  • Sorcières (saison 2)
  • Veille sur moi (saison 1)
  • Détective surprenant (saison 1)
  • Passez au salon (saison 1)
  • In Memoriam (saison 1)
  • Vestiaires (saison 1)
  • Le bon docteur (saison 7)
  • L'amour est dans le pré (saison 13)
  • Doc (saison 3)
  • Les petits tannants (saison 4)
  • Épique: Massif de Charlevoix
  • La Galère (saison 3)
  • En direct de l'univers (saison 16)
  • Big brother (saison 5)
Lots of catching up to do!

Interesting blog I saw this week

On my reading pile
La librairie des livres interdits - Marc Lévy.
While on vacation read the Housemaid's wedding and Housemaid #3

On my to-do list

Last weekend
  • Laundry
  • Deep clean craft closet
  • Vac main floor
  • Deep clean office desks and armoire
  • Deep clean bathroom closet
  • Post here
  • Tai-chi class
  • Prep for in-town work Tuesday and restaurant after work with some co-workers
  • 4 marker pens
  • 1 winter coat 
  • 4 2004 brand new calendars
  • Fabric scraps
  • Spool organizer
  • 1 Christmas red-truck canvas needlepoint kit 
  • 7 pens
  • 7 dvds
  • 1 pair of Christmas oven mitts
  • 1 Christmas hand towel
  • 1 bag of papers from mom's when we went on Tuesday

Upcoming this week
Tuesday - In-town work and supper with coworkers

From the camera
View from our condo window

Found Santa!

Wynwood Wall art... beautiful place! worth it

The 4 of us

Me and sis

Quote of the week

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Happy Homemaker 2025-01-27

 Good morning and good-bye January 

Another busy week at work - had to work half a day on my Monday off.

Thursday daycare centers were on strike so dh took care of grandkids and they stayed over for the night.

Saturday was regular houschores - I prefer to come back from vacation to a clean house.  We are leaving Monday to go to my sister's and taking the plane for Florida at 6:00 am Tuesday morning.  Spent the evening at neighbor's to chat.

Sunday had a free FB webinair on how to eliminate food waste.  Picking up, going through suitcase one last time to be sure I have everything.  This post was written on Sunday night just in case.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom . , 

The weather
Forecast for a milder week, but we will be 2 days in Clewinston (to see an uncle)
Partly cloudy
Mostly cloudy

 and 4 nights in Miami
Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy

Looking around the house
All has been picked up, except for some stuff in the office ... I need to work on a few things for income taxes and start rereading retirement stuff.

Thinking and pondering
Florida trip! Hopefully all will be fantastic

TV this week
  • Indéfendable (saison 3)
  • Stats (saison 3)
  • L'oeil du cyclone (saison 4)
  • Dumas (season 1)
  • Cerebrum (saison 3)
  • Alertes (saison 5)
  • Mea Culpa (saison 1)
  • Sorcières (saison 2)
  • Veille sur moi (saison 1)
  • Détective surprenant (saison 1)
  • Passez au salon (saison 1)
  • In Memoriam (saison 1)
  • Vestiaires (saison 1)
  • Le bon docteur (saison 7)
  • L'amour est dans le pré (saison 13)
  • Doc (saison 3)
  • Les petits tannants (saison 4)
  • Épique: Massif de Charlevoix
  • La Galère (saison 3)
  • En direct de l'univers (saison 16)
  • Big brother (saison 5)
Nothing this week, all will be dvrd

Interesting blog I saw this week

On my reading pile
Have to choose a new book as I finished the other one

On my to-do list

Last weekend
  • Laundry
  • wash main bathroom
  • Dust main floor
  • Vac main floor
  • Figure out state of my finances and where to take the $$ for the CELI (income tax purposes), print out a few income tax papers (not all are ready)
  • Post here
  • Tai-chi class... probably won't be going, depends what time we leave to go to sis'
  • 3 hour ride to sis's
  • 2 sweaters of dh's became rags
  • 1 metal stud he had in garage givent to bil for renovations
  • Went through papers on counter and threw out quite a few 

Upcoming this week
Monday - Leaving for Montreal
Tuesday - Leaving for Miami

From the camera

Funny of the week

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Happy Homemaker 2025-01-20

Good morning!

Another busy week at work but I got my Monday off, so I'm thinking longer days but Mondays will go back to normal and not work.

A co-worker gave me a nice carry-on suitcase for my trip yay!  He also included a leather backpack but will not be taking it as it is already heavy empty.  

Thursday dh did not feel well so we ended up at the hospital for bloodwork, tests, etc... had more tests at hospital in the city.  He has an inflammation on the left side (not gut), not sure what it is but he is seeing his regular doctor on Friday so will know more.  For now he has antiflammatory medication.  They also found a nodule on a lung but they say they will just watch it, nothing to worry about.  So was gone from 11:00 am and got back home at 8 pm.

Friday grandkids came for supper and spend the evening.  They did not want to stay the night but they did go skiing Saturday morning.  We did not see them this weekend.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom . , 

The weather
Forecast is for a COLD week - yikes... 
Light snow
Partly cloudy
Snow showers
Snow showers

Looking around the house
Received my TEMU order for more fairy lights and battery-operated candles.  So now in the evening we have a soft glow in every room.
Did not do 'regular chores' this weekend so need to do some picking up

Thinking and pondering
Next week we will be in Florida (28th to the 3rd) with sis and bil.  Hoping all will go well.

TV this week
Regular programs will resume
  • Indéfendable (saison 3)
  • Stats (saison 3)
  • L'oeil du cyclone (saison 4)
  • Dumas (season 1)
  • Cerebrum (saison 3)
  • Alertes (saison 5)
  • Mea Culpa (saison 1)
  • Sorcières (saison 2)
  • Veille sur moi (saison 1)
  • Détective surprenant (saison 1)
  • Passez au salon (saison 1)
  • In Memoriam (saison 1)
  • Vestiaires (saison 1)
  • Le bon docteur (saison 7)
  • L'amour est dans le pré (saison 13)
  • Doc (saison 3)
  • Les petits tannants (saison 4)
  • Épique: Massif de Charlevoix
  • La Galère (saison 3)
  • En direct de l'univers (saison 16)
  • Big brother (saison 5)
Oh my, can't possibly watch all that, will have to choose and leave some on the dvr to watch in the spring when programs are over.  I've decided some will be for dh, doesn't matter if I watch or not (Épique, En direct de l'Univers, Les petits Tannants).  Dh doesn't watch much tv but he will like those

Interesting blog I saw this week

On my reading pile
Toute la lumière que nous ne pouvons voir - Anthony Doerr - WWII story

On my to-do list

Last weekend
  • Laundry
  • Deep spring-clean my wardrobe and declutter
  • Registered for tai-chi classes (starts this Monday)
  • Go through a small chest I have with odds and ends
  • Deep-clean armoire and drawers in bathroom 
  • Prep MY stuff for Florida (dh still needs to do his)
  • Post here
  • Tai-chi class
  • Plan for in-town work on Tuesday
  • Fold towels
  • Vac main floor
  • Maybe a few hours of office work if I want everything finished before we go on vacation
  • Schedule blood work
Last Monday
  • 3 scent packets for drawers
  • 2 pairs of socks of dh
  • 1 perfume dh
  • 1 bib
  • 5 camis
  • 1 sport sweater
  • 2 sets lingerie (bra & underwear)
  • 4 pairs of socks (me)
  • 5 underwear
  • 1 tummy control underwear
Saturday (when I deep-cleaned my bedroom wardrobe)
1 tier shoe rack
1 no-sleeve denim vest (too small)
1 wool cardignan (also too small)
1 coton cardignan(.... well you know... too small.. as is the rest of what I got rid of)
4 sweaters
2 camis

I had taken some things out for dh.. he NEVER throws anything away... I told him to try these on as I was sure they no longer fit... ah-ah ! I'm not the only one with clothes that are too small. Did only a few because if I had a too big pile he wouldn't've tried them on.
2 short sleeve sweaters
4 short sleeve shirts
2 long sleeve shirts
1 sweater

Will ask ds and ddil if they want anything and the rest will be given to thrift store.

Went through a small chest with souvenirs from when I lived at my parent's house

  • Old bus stubs from high-school
  • 2 pens
  • 1 mini picture frame
  • 1 pill box
  • 1 eyeglass box
  • old earphones
  • 1 bracelet
  • 1 ring
  • 1 earring
  • 1 perfume
  • 1 set of eye-glasses
  • 3 bottles of very old contact lenses
  • 1 mini sewing kit
  • 1 small elephant
  • 1 zebra
  • 1 turtle
  • 1 baby comb
  • 1 scissor to cut baby nails
  • 1 brown hair stick to hide gray (hair is gray don't need this anymore)
  • 1 bottle body gel (yucky)

Upcoming this week
Monday - Reservations for work parking
Tuesday - in town work

From the camera

Funny of the week

Monday, 13 January 2025

Happy Homemaker 2025-01-13

Good morning!

Last week was another busy one at work, hoping it calms down to a standard level soon.  Had to work part of my Monday once again and a few hours more each day.

Had Xavier here Thursday and Friday as his earache has worsened even with antiobiotics.  He has a new antibiotic now with ear drops too.  Both grandkids slept over Thursday night.  DH drove Anne-E to daycare on Friday while Xavier stayed here.  DDIL was out of town for work Thursday and Friday and ds had a hockey game on Thursday night.  He had supper here with grandkids on Friday night. 

Saturday was lots of regular housechores for me.  DH went to help out at sil's, they are redoing half the main floor - getting old ceramic out and putting in a new one and a new counter and backsplash in the kitchen.  He also went to hockey game with neighbor Saturday night.  I took out my new advent calendar puzzle that I had not done and started on that.

Sunday was a lazy day, didn't do much.  My eye is bothering me (I remember last year was at this time of the year that I had infection upon infection).

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom . , 

The weather
We have a light spray of snow on the ground as of last night.  Very rare for us no snow in January.    A little each day in the forecast but just 1 cm per day.
Light snow
Snow showers
Partly cloudy
Light snow
Snow showers

Looking around the house
Received my TEMU order for more fairy lights and battery-operated candles.  So now in the evening we have a soft glow in every room.
I picked up alot during the weekend so it looks nice... except for my office where I have summer clothes out ready to be packed.

Thinking and pondering
Dad put away the doll I had brought for mom.  It is hard for him to so see her with it.  she was saying it had started walking, he feels like she goes on to another world when she has it.  He will take it out again later if need be.
Deep-cleaning has to be started
Prep for end of February 1-week trip to Florida
Will try to be in good health before leaving (starting up vitamins, being careful with my food, etc...)

TV this week
Regular programs will resume
  • Indéfendable (saison 3)
  • Stats (saison 3)
  • L'oeil du cyclone (saison 4)
  • Dumas (season 1)
  • Cerebrum (saison 3)
  • Alertes (saison 5)
  • Mea Culpa (saison 1)
  • Sorcières (saison 2)
  • Veille sur moi (saison 1)
  • Portrait robot (saison 3)  (got to binge-watch it last week)
  • Détective surprenant (saison 1)
  • Passez au salon (saison 1)
  • In Memoriam (saison 1)
  • Vestiaires (saison 1)
  • Le bon docteur (saison 7)
  • L'amour est dans le pré (saison 13)
  • Doc (saison 3)
  • CSI: NY (season 1) was filling up my dvr so cancelled it.  when I decide to watch it I can just go to netflix
  • Les petits tannants (saison 4)
  • Épique: Massif de Charlevoix
  • La Galère (saison 3)
  • En direct de l'univers (saison 16)
  • Big brother (saison 5)
Oh my, can't possibly watch all that, will have to choose

Interesting blog I saw this week

On my reading pile
Toute la lumière que nous ne pouvons voir - Anthony Doerr - WWII story

On my to-do list

Last weekend
  • Wash main bathroom
  • Vac main floor
  • Mop main floor
  • Vac basement
  • Start prepping clothes for trip
  • Filed papers in my night table
  • Post here
  • Exercise (did a 20-minut stretching sequence)
  • Plan for in-town work on Tuesday
  • Wash all my bedroom drawers and armoire and try to declutter stuff while at it


Upcoming this week
Tuesday - in town work

Xavier's funny
Friday I had work over my head for the office and dh was babysitting Xavier and they kept arguing so I closed the door a few times so I could concentrate.  At one point the door was open and Xavier came in to close the door saying this way Grandpa would not bother me for my work hahaha

From the camera

Picture / quote of the week

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Happy Homemaker 2025-01-06

Welcome 2025!

NY's festivities - 30th we went to my parent's house for supper (I brought chicken pot pie and cabbage soup).  Sis, bil, brother and family came for supper with us.

31st we were invited to sil's sister's house where we stayed for lunch.  Supper was at my sis's house and evening (My other brother and sil came by for a few minutes too).  We got to meet grand-niece Romy for the 1st time - she is 3 weeks old, so cute!  All left after supper except us.  We stayed until 11:00 when bil fell asleep so we went back to parent's house where dad was waiting for us so we watched bye-bye 2024 together and waited until midnight to wish each other a Happy New Year.

1st - sil, bil, brother and children came by.  I had brought cabbage rolls and dessert.  We left at 1:00 pm.  There was snow most of the way back home so took us 3:45 to go back home instead of 3 hours.  Supper was at sil's house - pizza.  Bil's sister, cousin and husband were there too.  We left at 10:00.

I have taken notes for 2025, what worked and what didn't.  Figured out my phrase for 2025.  I DO MY BEST

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom . , 

The weather
Light snow
Snow showers
Snow showers
Partly cloudy

Looking around the house
All Christmas has been taken down.
Have taken out fluffy / furry cushions and put them in LR.  Have left fairy lights everywhere - warm white.  
I did leave wood Christmas tree on the wall, not sure if it'll stay up or down.
Changed mantel frames from Christmas paintings to snowy ones.

Thinking and pondering
I had bought a doll for mom since she loves children and with her Alzheimer thought it would help.  At first she said it's a doll and didn't seem to care too much except to say she was beautiful.  Afterwards she forgot it was a doll and would talk to it and hug it.  It was the only time she seemed happy during the days we were there, otherwise she is always angry.  However it is very hard for all of us see her react to a doll as if it were a real baby.  Dad finds it very hard, not sure if he'll keep the doll or not.  Mom kept asking who's baby it was, that it wasn't one of her children.
DDIL has decided Xavier will go to French kindergarden instead of English. I understand because English is far, however it is sooooo important to learn English (our mother tongue here is French).  She said next year she'll send him to English school at the same time as Anne-E.
Thinking all that needs to be done in 2025, goals, habits, ...
Upcoming vacation in Florida Jan 28 to Feb 3rd - prep for this

TV this week
Regular programs will resume
  • Indéfendable (saison 3)
  • Stats (saison 3)
  • L'oeil du cyclone (saison 4)
  • Dumas (season 1)
  • Cerebrum (saison 3)
  • Alertes (saison 5)
  • Mea Culpa (saison 1)
  • Sorcières (saison 2)
  • Veille sur moi (saison 1)
  • Portrait robot (saison 3)
  • Détective surprenant (saison 1)
  • Passez au salon (saison 1)
  • In Memoriam (saison 1)
  • Vestiaires (saison 1)
  • Le bon docteur (saison 7)
  • L'amour est dans le pré (saison 13)
  • Doc (saison 3)
  • CSI: NY (season 1)
  • Les petits tannants (saison 4)
  • Épique: Massif de Charlevoix
  • La Galère (saison 3)
  • En direct de l'univers (saison 16)
  • Big brother (saison 5)
Oh my, can't possibly watch all that, will have to choose

Interesting blog I saw this week

On my reading pile
Marie-Tempête (intégrale - 3 tomes) - Dominique Demers - finished this morning need to find a new book to read

On my to-do list

Last weekend
  • Dust all main floor
  • Wash main bathroom
  • Print list for deep-cleaning of all the house during the year
  • Print a January calendar (now I need to fill it with exercises, self-development, goals, etc...)
  • Finish putting away Christmas
  • Taking out winter decor
  • Planning for 2025
  • Did my 1st Temu return - they will reimburse on my card but told me to keep the article which worked just fine (a bird lamp) but I thought it was a bit bright.
  • Worked for the office 1 hour on Friday
  • Post here
  • Plan for in-town work on Tuesday
  • Do more paperwork and planning for 2025
Decluttering - I did a special post for all that was decluttered in 2024 (see older posts)
  • 2 pens
  • 3 paint brushes
  • PJ top
  • 1 marker
  • 2 reindeers
  • 1 baby mirror for car
  • From mom's: 1 bag of wool (did not keep as it smelled of humidity), 5 Christmas cups (will be given to dd), 1 bag of clothes of niece and nephew givent back to them, 2 mini-muffin pans (given to ds)

Upcoming this week
Tuesday - in town work

Xavier's funny
For some time, Xavier has been asking me to get a full table of food so did a mini-buffet on the 4th for supper (deviled eggs, ham and chicken salad sandwiches, chicken wings, nachos, sausages wrapped in bacon, cheese plate, fruit plate, veggies and dip.  When he saw the set up he said 'wow' and his eyes lighted up.  I asked if it was what he wanted and he said yes. haha, so funny.

From the camera

Picture / quote of the week