Monday 9 October 2023

Happy Homemaker 2023-10-09

Good afternoon

Finally, last week at work was a regular week (not over the top busy) so I took Friday afternoon off to get ready for my Thanksgiving weekend.

DH picked up grandkids on Thursday after daycare and they had supper here. 

Friday afternoon was housechores and getting ready for guests. Was a really balmy day so I went to the opening of the Geese Festival in town at night but had to come back as I had stomache ache.  DH stayed to listen to the music (I could hear it from the patio).  My younger brother Éric arrived around 9:00 pm with his daughter (15) and son (13).  They went to meet DH and came back around 2:00 am.

Saturday ds, ddil and grandkids arrived around 10:30.  My other brother, sil, her daughter, sis, bil, mom & dad arrived for lunch.  We had gone to the festival in the morning so the kids could play on the big inflatable games.  Had to have a quick lunch as the guys wanted to see the mechanical excavators ability competitions.  I stayed here with sis while the grandkids napped.  After their naps we went and met the others.  My parents came back to rest a little on the patio in the afternoon.  We all came back at the end of the afternoon and chatted outside on the patio.  Supper was spaghetti sauce in the crockpot (which I had started in the morning), salad, garlic bread and sis had brought 2 apple pies (and I had some Costco banana/pecan bread and croissant donuts).  In the evening my 2 brothers, sil and nieces & nephew went back to the festival for awhile.  I think by 10:30 everyone was asleep.

Sunday (rain, rain, rain) my brother, sil and her daughter left around 10:00 (Breakfast was crêpes).  Sis, bil and parents left after lunch (hot-dogs, fries and ham) around 2:00.  Éric and the kids left around 4:00.  DH went for supper with his sister & bil (pizza).  I stayed here and had smoked salmon :) .  we went to bed around 9:30 - we were tired.

Today is our Canadian Thanksgiving.  Housechores this morning.  Went to see the artisans at the festival - I bought a bracelet, 2 worry dolls for grandkids, some wash clothes for sis and some honey.  Grankids arrived with ds & ddil while we were there.  they played in inflatable games.  Stopped here on their way home to get their car and have gone home so the kids could nap. DH is taking a nap this afternoon and I think I might start a painting tutorial.

It's suppose to be a nice hot day today so I plan on going out this afternoon.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom .  

The Weather

Fall-like weather all week 12C to 14C - nice!

Looking around the house
Everything back to normal and a few Halloween things are up.

Thinking and pondering
We were lucky to have a nice Saturday as theire was LOTS of rain everywhere (including our forecast) with flooding.
Sis just called and she is making our reservations for a Chicago trip from the 16 to the 19th of October, have to get some carry-on luggage

Tv this week
Big brother, Alertes, Aller Simple, discussions avec mes parents, Killing Eve, The walking dead, Le bon docteur, Après le déluge, Mégantic, Entre deux draps, Indéfendable, Stats, Les moments parfaits, Nurses, une affaire criminel, some Christmas movies, started Yellowstone too... way too much

Listening to or interesting blog I saw this week

Things on the menu this week
Leftovers for a few days

On my reading pile
Les sorcières de Keating Hollow T7 by Deanna Chase

On my to-do list

Friday afternoon
  • Vac main floor and basement
  • Wash 2 bathrooms
  • Cook ham in crockpot
  • Guests and town festival
  • Guests and town festival
  • Post here - DONE
  • Laundry
  • Vac main floor and basement
  • Wash 2 bathrooms
  • A short visit to town festival
  • Prep for in-town work tomorrow
  • Jesse Robertson free acrylic tutorial
  • Confirm reservations for Chicago long-weekend
  • ...
  • 2 packs paper doilies
  • 1 puzzle
  • 1 broken Halloween bottle
  • 1 scent thingy
  • 1 bathroom scrubber
  • 1 fly swatter
  • 1 baby blanket
  • 2 t-shirts
Decluttering - to be taken to dd's house
  • 1 toilet paper stand
  • 1 pink miror
  • 1 box with salt / pepper shakers
  • 1 block with knives
  • 1 pair of sandals
Upcoming this week
Tuesday - in town work

To relax this week or In my crafting basket 

A painting

My simple pleasure
Had fun with my sis and brothers while cleaning up after supper in the kitchenette, we laughted alot.

From the camera:
I don't think anyone took pictures this weekend

Quote for the week:


  1. You've been so busy! I'm glad that you had a wonderful time with family! Is Canadian Thanksgiving the same as it is here in the states? I missed Thanksgiving with our extended family last year since we had just relocated, so I'm looking forward to spending it with them this year! Good for you with the decluttering! That's what I'm working on this week as well! I hope you have a great trip to Chicago! I've never been further north than Virginia. Have a fantastic week!!

    1. Here, in our province, it is not a big thing except for being a day off ! but it is a 3-day weekend, so perfect to see family. I don't go far with my ibs / ibd but we take 4-day weekends once every few years (have done New York, Boston, Las Vegas and New Orleans).

  2. Oh my goodness what a busy weekend you had!! So much fun to be able to spend time with family. I love Canadian Thanksgiving in October.
