Monday 4 September 2023

Happy Homemaker 2023-09-04

Goodmorning! Today is Labor day here in Canada so a holiday for most people (of course I already don't work Mondays so no change to me)

We had grandkids over for the weekend as parent's had a golf tournament on Saturday.  They slept over and left after their afternoon nap on Sunday. Next door neighbors also had their granddaughter so they played together and we all went out for hamburgers Saturday night.

Went to get some pizza for supper Sunday with sil and bil.

Front of the house is full of those ugly bugs (picture below) .. they don't bite but those suckers are dirtying all my windows and window sills... funny we are the only ones who have them.  Looked them up and it says larvae was in the grass... we did get front of the house new grass last year :(

Then last night took a walk... yuck, we saw at least 7 or 8 frogs... we never see frogs here... what is going on with those temperatures?

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom .  

The weather

Heat warning next few days... yuck!

Mostly sunny
Mostly sunny
Partly cloudy
Scattered thunderstorms

Looking around the house

Fall decor is out.. now I'm itching to start Fall work but flowers are still nice.

Thinking and pondering
New daycare seems to be working out for grandkids :) very happy about that.
Back to 1-day a week in-town work starting tomorrow.. uggg... ah well while I'm in town I'll do some errands

Tv this week
Big Brother
Dvr'd Christmas movies (think I saw 4 last week ;) )

Listening to or interesting blog I saw this week
Nothing but I subscribed to a free naturopathy class so might watch a few modules later today (10 modules)

Things on the menu this week
No idea

On my reading pile
Les allumetières by Marjolaine Bouchard

On my to-do list

Over the weekend
  • Nothing as grandkids were here
  • Vac basement - DONE
  • Wash basement bathroom - DONE
  • Dust basement - DONE
  • Laundry - ONGOING
  • so much more on the to-do list but we'll see... spotted a few things I,d like to get out of the house ;) need to negociate with husband (he's a keeper)
  • 1 plastic tablecloth
  • 1 belt
  • Lots of personal emails on computer and on hotmail, so tha counts?
  • Pics on cell phone as it wouldn't take anymore videos saying it was too full.  Put some on the computer so will need to back these up at some point.
Upcoming this week
Sis is coming on Friday we are going to see Peter Gabriel in a show, so I'll be taking Friday off  work

To relax this week or In my crafting basket 

Nothing prepping for guests next weekend

My simple pleasure
Getting things out of the house

From the camera:

Fun for the week:


  1. Awwww, Look at your little G'Kid's.... Mine are grown [29, 25,18 & almost 17]

  2. Looks like a fun weekend with the grands! What is that Mickey card? Is it from a game? I'm so intrigued. I looove Christmas and I think it's great that you're already listening to Christmas Music. Have a good Labor Day!

    1. The mickey card is Christmas night at the movies. You watch the movie and there are ideas for food & fun to accompany it.

  3. Here the same issue with my phone and videos. I didn't have it before, but now it's happening consistently. I even deleted some apps. I thought, maybe it would make a difference.

    Nice photos.

  4. Your grandkids are adorable!!! I also love Mickey's once (and twice!) upon a Christmas we always watch it with the kiddos! We don't observe Halloween so our start-date to allow Christmas movies and music is October 31st lol. If we start any sooner I'm so tired of it! When we lived closer to the coast we had some bugs we called 'fuzzy bills' and they covered everything! I miss being closer to the ocean but the fuzzy bills, not so much! I hope you have a great week!

  5. Cute photos of your grandkids! Glad their new daycare is working out. Hope you have a great rest of your week!

  6. Sorry for the bug issue dear Lucie! And the whacky temps. But what a fun concert to look forward to soon!! Love the pics of the kiddos. 💗 Have a blessed rest of the week. xo
