Monday 21 August 2023

Happy Homeaker 2023-08-21

 Good morning

Got to talk to my new lady-boss, we agreed my return to work would be september 5th and only Tuesdays (and half days are ok too).  I will be back with my friends so I am very happy how things are turning out.

Last weekend we went to my parent's house (dh had made a big cauldron of stir-fried noodles to take for lunch as 2 of my uncles and their wives were there for the weekend and mom can't cook anymore and dad just never did) - there was a party for one of my aunt's 80th birthday.  It rained all day but we had tents so all was fine.  corn on the cob & hot-dogs, veggie tray, cheese and grapes, salads and a big cake.  we gave what we wanted and they bought a bracelet and earrings and she will use the rest (if there is any.. gold is expensive these days!) for small pleasures at her residence.  It was nice to see family members we had not seen in quite awhile (including 2 uncles who came from farther away).

Sunday we had breakfast at restaurant with sis, bil, cousin (the one who gave the party) and his girlfriend, his son and his boyfriend.  afterwards we went to his house to get the tents down and bring them back to dad.  Lunch was pizza at my parent's house because it'll be dad's birthday this week.  My brothers came too.

Afterwards sil took mom for a walk and then a ride so the guys reorganized and got rid of alot of stuff in the big backyard shed.  then we undertook the small shed which we thought was FULL of Christmas stuff ... not quite as much as we thought but we threw LOTS away... everything smelled musty... not even good to give away.  Now there are tons of empty bins in there, 1 christmas tree, her christmas houses and 1 outside christmas decor.  I brought back a bag of books to give away (we threw away the harlequin ones which smelled alot), some halloween stuff, dh brought back some solar lamps and a solar flower, and a few other small things.  We also went quickly through a few things in her bedroom and threw away 2 big bins of stuff.  we left around 4:00 pm, stopped to see dd on the way (and look at the new house they are buying... they sure will have space), then for a quick supper and got home around 9:00.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom .  

The weather

Looks like a week without much rain! yay thought we would be getting mushrooms on the concrete soon the way it was raining ;).  Highs in the low-20's C - just perfect.

Looking around the house
Oh my so much to do!  was quite discouraged this morning, but started one step at a time and it's getting better

Thinking and pondering
So sad having to get rid of parent's stuff and dad seemed quite discouraged with all that was thrown away (but he is HAPPY we do that because he is tired of it all).

Tv this week
Big Brother
Dvr'd shows

Listening to or interesting blog I saw this week

Things on the menu this week
From the freezer... another week and it'll be almost ready to fill up for the Holidays.

On my reading pile
Floriday by Olivier Bourdeault... about mini-miss contests.. not sure if I'm liking it or not.

On my to-do list
  • Post here - DONE
  • Laundry - ongoing - last load is going on the line as soon as I finish up here.
  • Vac main floor - DONE
  • Go through stuff we brought from mom's (not helping my decluttering!)
  • Pay some bills
  • Send osteo bill to insurance (they pay 30$ out of 100$ pffff)
  • Send a donation to Alzheimer for my aunt who passed away last Monday
  • wash patio door door step
  • wash main bathroom
  • MAYBE do another Jesse Robertson free tutorial. this week is half a face of a wolf, really nice.
  • 1 book
  • 7 highlighters (given to dniece)
  • 1 comb
  • 1 pen
  • 1 capri pant
  • 2 ice packs
  • Not listing all we decluttered from mom's house, the guys filled up a big trailer that they will take to the dump this week
Upcoming this week
yay routines!

To relax this week or In my crafting basket 

Jesse Robertsan painting - wolf

My simple pleasure

From the camera:
Last weeks acrylic painting on watercolor paper.  I put it in a nice frame afterwards so didn't all curl up like the picture

Fun for the week:


  1. Love your idea for doing another painting tutorial. I love crafting but hardly get to do it these days. So sorry to hear about your aunt's passing.

  2. Hello dear Lucie! I'm so happy to hear that work is going to be better now - and your friends more. ;) And happy birthday to your Dad! I know clearing out all that stuff from their place must be difficult, but what a sense accomplishment with each task. Your painting is absolutely stunning!! Blessings on your week. xo

  3. Oh my goodness that painting is amazing!!!!! Gorgeous!!! Sounds like you had a lot of family time this weekend, that sounds so great! I understand how hard it is to declutter, but afterward it feels so much better! We are ready to start another round very soon! So nice to read about your weekend, and I hope you have a delightful week!!!!

  4. I'm so sorry for the loss of your aunt. Hooray for your work working out so well. It is very hard to clear stuff from your parents home, sounds like you are making good progress though. Love the painting, so pretty! Hope you have a great rest of your week!

  5. YAY for work finally settling into something you'll be happy with. Sending you BIG hugs with all that you're dealing with your mom. We've been through a few times now and it's NEVER easy. I'm in awe of your new painting - it's really pretty.
