Monday 31 July 2023

Happy Homemaker 2023-07-31

 Good morning

"I'm on vacation and we went to visit dd's boyfriend's parents during the weekend at their house near a lake.  Nice people, nice place.  We got back home Monday afternoon with dh having a cold and now it's my turn"   .... haha that's what I wrote last week... turns out we both got COVID.  DH was ok after a few days of sneezing and sleeping, but I was sick all week with sore throat, a BIG headache during day & nights and of course stomach had to join in there.   felt better starting Saturday.  So one week vacation down the drain for me - no outings at all - I had wanted to do just a few small things around here... will be done later when it's not so hot and I have the energy.

Saturday finally got some energy back so did a few housechores (weeded around the house, laundry) and read work emails for 1 hour (will deduct from my time when I go back to work).

Sunday babysitting grandkids in the afternoon as parents have a golf game.

Monday should be leaving for parent's house to visit and zoo on Tuesday with 4 grandkids.  We should be in town for a few days before coming back.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom .  

The weather

Hot and muggy all last week but starting this week nights will be cooler so yay!!!!

Looking around the house
Haha... well.... LOTS to do as nothing got done last week

Thinking and pondering
Just one more week and then vacations are over... but looking forward to FALL coming up.

Tv this week
A series by VC Andrews Angel / Heaven

Listening to or interesting blog I saw this week

Things on the menu this week
We will be out of town... so whatever

On my reading pile
The Shelters of stone by Jean Auel (rereading - summer reading)

On my to-do list
  • Post here - DONE
  • Prep for out of town vacation days

  • DH sold 5 boxes of luminaries on Marketplace (they had been on sale for over a year!) and now they are finally out of the basement :)
  • 1 teething toy
  • old oil dumped at the ecocenter
  • 1 cami
  • 3 airport blankets
  • 1 pompe matelas a batterie
Upcoming this week
Zoo, visit to parents

To relax this week or In my crafting basket 

Felt gingerbread men ornaments. Urban sketching.

My simple pleasure
working on crafts

From the camera:

Fun for the week:


  1. I also like autumn or spring more. I can't stand the hot summers. Are you completely recovered? cordial greetings!

  2. Oh, ho, I’m anxious to see your Urban sketching. It is offered at sketchbook Skool, but I ‘m a bit antsy about attempting it! I do hope you’ll share on your blog.
