Sunday 1 May 2022

Happy Homemaker 2022-05-02

Welcome May! 

Recap of last week:

Monday - going to next town to meet financial advisor.  Wanted to eat lunch there but no restaurants opened on Mondays! (except tim Horton's), so we had supper at a fast-food joint in another town.

Tuesday & wednesday: strike days from 9:00 to 1:00... cold, windy, and rain!! yuck! yuck! yuck! Had to take out my winter clothes that I had put away :(  

Thursday - in-office work, was nice to have lunch with some cw's and chat a bit.

Friday - Tele-work.  DH babysat Anne-E as she is teething and not feeling well.  He also picked up Xavier from daycare and they had supper here and their bath before their parents picked them up.

Saturday - LOTS of housechores. Grandkids were to come after their afternoon nap as parents had a supper with friends but they cancelled everything as Anne-E was still feeling puny.

Sunday - Family brunch for nephew's birthday.  Anne-E probably has hand,foot, mouth with teething + a cold, poor kid. 

Today we will have Anne-E so she can rest more than an daycare.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom .  

The weather (in celsius)

Mostly cloudy
Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
Finally some temperatures above 10C

On my mind
Work conditions
Hoping Anne-E feels better soon
Tired of having such low energy

On the breakfast plate
Waffles and oat milk

On my reading pile

Les filles derrière le mur by Mandy Robotham

99 façons de prévenir les effets du vieillissement: Conseils d'un physio by 

On my tv
Absentia (2e saison)
La pecheresse (saison 3)
Les bracelets rouges (saison 1)
Portrait robot (saison 1)
Movies from Lifetime channel

Interesting youtube vlog I saw this week

On the menu this week
No Idea

From the camera:
Nothing - no pictures taken during the family brunch.

Looking around the house
It's ok but I need to pick up.

On my to-do list

This weekend
  • Vac main floor
  • Laundry
  • Dust all main floor
  • Wash main bathroom
  • Wash Kitchen furniture
  • A crockpot of spaghetti sauce
  • DH: washed all outside windows (he was looking for unsealed windows while they are on warranty... 8 need to be changed), he has started painting shutters around the house.  He also picked up groceries.

  • Post here - DONE
  • Babysit Anne-E
  • Possibly deep-clean a few more closets
  • 1 sweater
  • 1 metal camper decor item (came from mom's)
To relax this week or In my crafting basket 
Draw cats
Crochet cushion cover
Work on a pair of knit socks

Quote of the week


  1. I sure hope your work situation works out soon! We dropped 20 degrees here today and I had to dig out a coat too! I hope AnnE feels better soon - so hard to not feel well at that age :( LOVE your funny. I hope you have a GREAT week.

  2. Your funny quote is... funny! Poor baby girl, teething can be the worst, hope she gets those teeth in and feels better soon. I'm sorry you're having work issues. It's so hard to show up and give 100% when there are problems and distractions. Hoping for better days soon.

  3. Hello sweet Lucie! Geesh - young kiddos sure do seem to catch everything, don't they? I sure hope Anne-E feels better soon. God bless you wonderful grandparents always there to help out. I was totally invested in your funny and then I literally LOL'd!! Have a blessed rest of the week. xo

  4. LOL on the quote! That was cute! I hope you are having a terrific week! I'm late as always! Hopefully I will catch you on Monday!

  5. Sorry to be so late this week! Funny quote. The cold weather always makes me sleepy and hungry. Hopefully, it'll warm up for you soon. Hope you are having a great weekend!
