Still having problems with my throat and coughing seems to be coming back a little, hoping it's just a temporary set back.
Had bloodwork done last friday morning. Friday night went to the dollarstore for the 1st time since March... we were only 3 customers but they were missing lots of things, only got half of what was on my list.
Saturday morning we went to town to by a patio umbrella and stopped by another grocery store... I'm starting to go out more (with my mask)!
Got home at noon and my daughter arrived a few minutes after us. Son, daughter-in-law and Xavier arrived around 3:30, just in time for my husband's birthday supper (his birthday was Sunday). We ate and spent the evening in the gazebo, played a game of Toc and all went to bed around 11:00. They all slept over.
Sunday son and family left around 10:30 and my daughter left after lunch. Did some housechores and picked up pizza for supper.
Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom .
The weather (in celsius)





How I am feeling this morning
For once had an ok's night sleep. wanted to sleep in but woke up with the alarm clock for my husband and couldn't go back to sleep so got up at 5:30. my throat ain't so bad this morning so it's a good morning. Got lots to do!
On my mind
Feeling a bit 'off' with all that is going on... wondering how things will work out with this pandemia.. uncertainty is hard to deal with.
Think I need to establish new routines, might help with the 'unsettled' feelings.
On the breakfast plate
No idea yet... maybe some eggo waffles with maple syrup, some prune juice and green tea.
On my reading pile
The child finder - René Denfield
On my tv
Bull (Saison 3)
Blue moon (saison 3)
Good witch (season 6)
Killing Eve (season 2)
Eaux turbulentes (season 1)
Le résident (season 1)
Project Blue book (season 1)
Movies that are dvr'd
Avocats de la rue
Mme Lebrun
Taxi 22
On the menu this week
Lundi - Macaroni chinois
Mardi- rice with ribs
Mercredi - Breakfast for supper
Jeudi - grilled cheese sandwiches and soup
Friday - to be determined
From the camera
I need to work on the basement. Main floor is ok.
Have tons of things I need to finish that have been put aside for awhile... need to deal with those things and stop procrastinating.
On my to-do list
Done during the weekend
- Vaccum main floor
- Wash main bathroom
- Laundry
- Bake muffins
- Groceries
- Wash half the gazebo
- Bought a patio umbrella
- Take 2 boxes to the thrift shop
- Wash a few more baby toys
- Got the kids to go through 2 boxes of children's books and puzzles and decide what they wanted to keep.
- Make bed, take shower, breakfast, brush teeth -
- Post here - DONE
- Go babysit Xavier this afternoon while his mom and dad work
- Go to mother-in-law's to measure one piece of furniture for selling
- Plant a few flower bulbs (maybe)
- Mop floors
- Empty dishwasher
- 1 load of laundry
- Take some boxes back in the attic and reorganize a few more (maybe)
- Drop off a doll at sister-in-laws (used to be hers found in the attic)
- Prep Macaroni chinois
So glad you are beginning to feel better! Stay safe and take care of yourself. Doesn't even the slightest bit of "normalcy" feel wonderful? Fun pictures! Have a GREAT week.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great quote. I love it! And your grandson is so cute. Hope you continue to feel even better and have a wonderful week!
ReplyDeleteGreat quote of the week. I hope you feel better soon. Having a sore throat really knocks me out, so I have empathy for you. Loved seeing your family photos, the baby is growing!
ReplyDeleteHey, Lucie... Im so sorry about yur ongoing sore throat... sounds like me.. I have allergies and the drainage is bad for me...such sweet family photos... OI so miss our family.. they live so far away and untl all this quarantine stuff is over we cant visit except virtually! But I need a hug!
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful that you got to spend time with family. We are only just being allowed to do so and it almost feels weird to be allowed to go out anywhere! Hope you have a lovely week.