Ice-storm on Tuesday... it was beautiful outside!
Wednesday visited a co-worker at the hospital (he retired last June) who has a brain tumor. Then we went to Costcos.. no more toilet paper in store! we got some at walmart afterwards.
Thursday I took the day off as I had my 1st dose of the shingles (zona) vaccine ($169 not payed by insurance). I then did a few errands (hospital to bring in dh's swabs, dollarstore, grocery store, picked up mail, sewing lady). FINALLY ordered a new computer for myself - this one is the pits and closes down every few minutes. Unfortunately it said 4 to 5 days delivery but when I ordered it said april 1st :(
Friday we stopped by the grocery store on the way home (lots of empty shelves for toilet paper, potatoes, family-size meat packages, milk...).
Saturday my husband went to help my son assemble IKea furniture . My husband's back is acting up so the rest of the weekend was resting for him. The kids brought Xavier around supper time so we babysat him and he slept over. They had supper with friends.
Sunday they came to pick up Xavier and stayed for lunch. We managed to sit outside in the sun (not really hot but there was sun) for half an hour before my husband had to go to the hospital with mother-in-law. She opened her leg last week and it is not healing properly. She is to have antibotics by IV and more exams on Monday.
Coronavirus means no more traveling for the people of our province. Every assembly of more than 250 people has been cancelled. No more visits to elderly people homes and they are advised to not go out over 70 years old. Cinemas, casinos, bars, libaries, museums, gym, sugar shacks, buffets, ski slopes, shows are all closed. Store hours have been reduced - restaurants are to be no more than 50% full. Schools and daycares are closed for at least 2 weeks. More work from home if we can (of course my boss is ok with this idea but only for some people) and my husband's work can not be long distance either. My son will be working from home starting Tuesday.
Universities are also closed so my daughter will be called in to work at the hospital probably... but she has a diminished immunitary system so we'll see.
Just learned dentists will only do emergencies so I'm expecting a call today to cancel my cleaning next Monday.
Disgracious fighting scenes have been observed at the grocery store :(
Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom .
The weather (in celsius)





It will be getting warmer this week
How I am feeling this morning
It's cold here - 16C this morning but it's nice inside and lots of sun! I think I need to start doing exercises at home. I've been doing so well for a few years going 3 times a week and doing twice at home. I have completely stopped the last month, been so sick with the cold and feet hurting. Now that gyms are closed I need to start a routine at home.
I still have this nagging cough... hoping it stops quickly! I feel like people are all angry at me in public places when I cough.
In general I am finally feeling much better (last week with the shingles shot I had a bit of a fever for 2 days and headache- side effects of the shot)
On my mind
What the heck is happening with all the Coronovirus ? How many people will be affected and die?
Never seen such disgracious scenes and this 'Me, Me, ME' mentality.
Hoping the imposed home-time will make families closer and bring about community help.
HOPING I will be lucky enough to work long distance.
On the breakfast plate
A matcha - spinach green St-Patrick's muffin. It's ok but won't remake them.
On my reading pile
Mother-in-law - Sally Hepworth
On my tv
Les Américains (Season 6)
Bull (Saison 1)
Walking Dead (Season 7)
L'heure Bleue (Saison 4)
Léo (Saison 1)
District 31
Lacher Prise (Saison 4)
Une autre histoire
Toute la vie (saison 2)
5e rang (saison 2)
L'Amour est dans le pré (saison 8)
La vraie nature
La Voix
On the menu this week
Monday - Chicken pot pie
Tuesday - Hamburger helper
Wednesday - open-side bacon-cheese grilled sandwich.
Thursday - grilled cheese sandwiches
Friday - ?... guess will start thinking about what to do on fridays as we won't stop at the restaurant for awhile.
From the camera
No pics taken so here are some projects I found on pinterest which I'd like to do .
Since vaccum and dusting is done it's mostly ok... I still need to declutter though... I feel too much stuff. I did go in the attic with my son this weekend to get toys... lots of work to do there! but it's too cold yet, will have to do it in Spring before it gets too hot for summer.
On my to-do list (chores)
Washed main bathroom and dusted main floor. Worked a little bit on my class painting. Made a sheppard's pie for supper.
Vaccumed main floor. Made muffins for dh. Made St-Patricks healthy muffins for my breakfasts. Cooked some pork chops with rice for lunch. Climbed in the attic with my son and brought down a box of baby toys. He took 1/3, I threw away 1/3 and will keep the other 1/3 for when the baby comes here.
- Post here - DONE
- Prep work clothes
- Have a 10h30 appointment with reflexologist (trying this out for quite a few ailments)
- will babysit Xavier for a few hours in the afternoon while dil does errands
- Work on my painting
- ... lots more to do but we'll see if I have time.
To relax this week, I will
Toilet paper is hot commodity around here as well. As well as paper towels. Ironically,fruits and vegetables continue to be abundantly available. People are stocking up on the wrong things, I think. Hope you have a wonderful week and enjoy your time with your grand-baby!
ReplyDeleteI hope they surprise you and deliver your new computer earlier. Those pinterest projects are really cute! I'm really praying that if everyone stays calm and as sequestered as possible things will calm down soon. Have a good week and I hope you get to work from home.
ReplyDeleteIt is sad to see the world in such a panic. I haven't heard of any fights or incidents in our town, but the shelves here are also cleaned out. My husband has made trips first thing in the morning to purchase fresh vegetables, because most of it is all gone by the afternoon. Have a great week, and try to stay warm!
ReplyDeleteIsnt it a crazy time... one we've never seen before.. The toiket paper issue is beyond crazy. I liked your little joke,, but there are folks out there who would be just like that unfortunately. Ive seen those bad shoppers, but Ive also seen very gracious ones who have paid for others supplies so there is still light in the world!
ReplyDeleteWe are so lucky here, the country as a whole has about 300 cases, lower than a lot of first world countries, and none in my state at all (maybe no one wants to visit the desert?). Still, our town has taken preventative measures and the fighting in the supermarkets causes everyone added stress. The kids and I are voluntarily self isolating unless we have no other option than to go out, it is not worth the risk. Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteWent shoping today in Derbyshire in the UK. Shelves empty. Managed to get a few bits but no pasta potatoes well not much of anything. There is so much panic buying here.