Sunday, 9 March 2025

Happy Homemaker 2025-03-10

Good morning - what a week :(  Posting Sunday night

DH is still sick with the cold but getting better.  I too came down with it and it hit me hard.  Have not seen the grandchildren this week

Then on Monday my brother texted to say my parents had dropped by to see them Sunday afternoon and sil (nurse) thought my dad looked yellow and had lost alot of dad tried to get an appointment with his doc (march 20th)... which was way too far. 

Tuesday brother was at emergency room with dad from 11:15 am to 2:00 am... dad was very tired of it all.  He had some bloodwork done and urine test.  They told him to go back Wednesday morning for more tests.  They spent the day there again as they decided to admit him and have exams on Friday (biopsy and passing a tube so the bile can go through - the bile is giving him the yellow color), he has something on pancreas.  Thursday they let him out in the afternoon saying tests will be Monday and Tuesday.  They added a 3rd test (lung RX) to be done on Monday too.  

Let's just say this has been a very hard week.  They told him it is probably cancer... and we all know pancreas cancer is quick.  So while my 1st brother spent part of the week in the hospital with dad my other brother was back home taking care of mom, she kept asking for dad but we didn't tell her he was in hospital... she wouldn't realize anyway, so he kept saying he was at work.  He stayed with her night and day.  

Since I,ve been sick with the flu I do not want to give it to them so we did not go there over the weekend (nothing to be done for now anyways).  If I feel better on Monday ddil is going there for her job and coming back Tuesday afternoon, I just might go with her.

Saturday was housechores and DH spent weekend at ds' house as they are redoing the whole kitchen with the help of ds' bil and DH.

Sunday was a day of mostly nothing.  Will post this on Sunday night as I will probably leave tomorrow at 6:00 am to go to parent's house, will depend on the night.  I cancelled my parking for Tuesday because no matter what I am not going to town on Tuesday for work.  Gave my place to another cw who had not been able to get one for Tuesday.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom . , 

The weather
We had a very windy week, cold, rain, yucky all around - wow Tuesday should be warm!
Light snow
Scattered showers
Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
Mostly cloudy

Looking around the house
Since I was alone most of the weekend I managed to do some housechores while resting once in awhile.  So the house is fine.

Thinking and pondering
Dad, mom.... 

TV this week
  • Indéfendable (saison 3)
  • Stats (saison 3)
  • L'oeil du cyclone (saison 4)
  • Dumas (season 1)
  • Cerebrum (saison 3)
  • Alertes (saison 5)
  • Mea Culpa (saison 1)
  • Sorcières (saison 2)
  • Veille sur moi (saison 1)
  • Passez au salon (saison 1)
  • Vestiaires (saison 1)
  • Le bon docteur (saison 7)
  • L'amour est dans le pré (saison 13)
  • Doc (saison 3)
  • Les petits tannants (saison 4)
  • La Galère (saison 4)
  • En direct de l'univers (saison 16)
  • Big brother (saison 5)
A few regular programs have ended ... a good thing too.  too much tv to watch

Interesting blog I saw this week
Nothing interesting and worth putting the link for.

On my reading pile
L'inciseur  - Fitzek Tsokos

On my to-do list

Last weekend
  • Laundry
  • Deep clean pantry
  • Potage (recipe from FB.. was NOT good)
  • Wash main bathroom
  • Vac main floor
  • Tai-chi class - will go if not going to Montreal, but...
  • Prep for in-town work Tuesday  will not go in town on Tuesday
  • Go see parents


Upcoming this week
will see as it goes

From the camera


Funny of the week

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