Good morning
DH spent the week sick with a cold - he went to clinic and they gave him a cortisol spray but nothing else saying it has to do its time... so this morning I am starting to feel sick... hope it passes quickly.
DS was away for work a few days and ddil kept grandkids at home and teleworked as Anne-E had fever a few days too. Normally we would've kept them here but ddil did not ask because she new grandpa was sick too.
Saturday Xavier arrived for lunch (Anne-E wanted to stay with her mom). DS, ddil and Anne-E went to town and bought their flooring for kitchen renovations. All came here for supper. Xavier sleptover and dh took him back home Sunday before lunch.
I managed to do quite a bit during the weekend too... not dh he has a man-cold.
Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom . ,
- Indéfendable (saison 3)
- Stats (saison 3)
- L'oeil du cyclone (saison 4)
- Dumas (season 1)
- Cerebrum (saison 3)
- Alertes (saison 5)
- Mea Culpa (saison 1)
- Sorcières (saison 2)
- Veille sur moi (saison 1)
- Passez au salon (saison 1)
- Vestiaires (saison 1)
- Le bon docteur (saison 7)
- L'amour est dans le pré (saison 13)
- Doc (saison 3)
- Les petits tannants (saison 4)
- La Galère (saison 4)
- En direct de l'univers (saison 16)
- Big brother (saison 5)
- Laundry
- Vac main floor
- Deep clean Kitchen, Kitchenette, basement staircase, main bathroom (walls, woodwork, furniture, ) - Curtains will be aired out when it is warmer outside. Still need to wash chair covers. Kitchen cabinets will be done in Autumn (and above cabinets). Still have the big shower to do too.
- Ragoût de boulettes... tought I would have some to freeze but nope, served that on Saturday for supper and sent some to ds and family and we have leftovers for this week. Might go buy more of the beef/porc ground meat to do a 2nd batch for freezing.
- Chocolate/pumpkin cookies (gave some to ds' family and froze a dozen).
- Tai-chi class
- Prep for in-town work Tuesday
- Work on knit socks
- Do paperwork
- Watch today's webinair
- More laundry
- Make some soup
- ... MAYBE do a few more spring-cleaning tasks but not sure... in fact not sure at all.
- Some kids drawing in recycling..... we do have ALOT, they make at least a dozen everytime they come here.
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