Monday 20 November 2023

Happy Homemaker 2023-11-20

Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving week to all my American friends!

Last week was all about our 4-day trip to Chicago.  I took wednesday afternoon off and we went to my sis's house (the airport is half an hour from there ... with no traffic).  We had supper at my parent's house and slept at sis's because we were leaving at 8:00 the next morning.

We arrived in Chicago at 2:00 pm on Thursday.  Took the train to the Congress Hotel... an old hotel with lots of history (Al Capone is rumored to have slept there.. under a false name .. so no real proof), and ghosts.  Had a quick supper and took a Uber to see the Black Hawk's hockey game.

Friday we walked 16km.. we did some parts of the riverwalk to visit the Pier and took the architectural boat ride on the Chicago river (it was cold even with our winter coats, hats & mitts) but well worth it.  There was also a tree lighting - a first for us as there are none here so we decided to go there... mistake... so many people we were caught in the throng and could not even move or see anything... we got out of there as soon as a big guy opened up a small breech to move out... so no did not see the tree lighting but we saw it lit next day.  We visited millenum park but the 'bean' is being repaired so could not approach it :(  We went to Macy's to see the big Christmas tree in the Walnut room.  Had supper at Lou Molnatis (recommended by our driver) ... it was ok but it would not be our favorite, but to each his own and it is very popular.  We had half left over so we took the leftovers in two boxes and gave them to homeless people on our way out.

Saturday was another 16 km of walking.  We started by going to see the Bears Stadium (closed but we walked around it), and went by the aquarium and Lake Michigan waterfront.  Then we went down Michigan avenue, they were prepping for the Christmas parade.. no way we were getting caught in that throng, so we kept going and seeing the big fancy stores on the magnificent mile.  We stopped to see the big Christmas tree in Bloomingdales.  Then we decided to come back but a few streets parallel to the parade and guess what?! that was were all the parade cars where and the bands... no people... so we got to see most everything, behind the scenes!  We also went to the Christmas market.

Had supper at Exchequer restaurant (recommended by hotel concierge), it was excellent.  Then we finished night off at the hotel bar with a cup of tea.

Sunday was taking the train at 7:30 to the airport and then back to sis's house to get our car.  We then went to see my brother as sil had to go to hospital on Thursday and had her gallbladder removed.  Afterwards we went to my parent's house and got to see my other brother and 1 cousin.  Sis was also there so we all had supper together.  Got home at 9:30 last night.

It was a nice vacation.  I did had some stomache problems but luckily it happened at the right time each day (when we were at hotel).  Chicago is a beautiful town with lots of parks and walkways.  Problem is being able to go to a restroom (as in all big cities but this was worst . ... even McD's you had to present a receipt before they unlocked the doors).  The pier had no restroom problems however.  Lots of newly arrived immigrant women and children on the streets begging for money.  One of our waiters at the hotel was from Columbia.. had been there for a year.. paying 900$ for a single room for him, his wife and baby and working 7 days a week.. he said he was finding it hard and learning english at the same time too.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom .  

The Weather

Colder this week.. this morning it was -9C with winds... brrrr.. and snow 10cm in the forecast for Wednesday

Looking around the house
Boxes in the LR (Christmas tree yet to be done) but everywhere else Christmas decor is all up.

Thinking and pondering
I'd like to get an 8-hour sleep night... ah... how blissful that would be.

Tv this week
Big brother, Alertes, Aller Simple, discussions avec mes parents, Killing Eve, The walking dead, Le bon docteur, Après le déluge, Mégantic, Entre deux draps, Indéfendable, Stats, Les moments parfaits, Nurses, une affaire criminel, some Christmas movies, Yellowstone, Christmas movies

Listening to or interesting blog I saw this week

Things on the menu this week
Probably hamburgers and we will figure out the rest as we go

On my reading pile
Finished my book on vacation... weird ending... need to find a new one...

On my to-do list

  • Post here - DONE
  • LR Christmas decor
  • Book appointment for bloodwork and ECG for January - DONE
  • Laundry, laundry, laundry
  • Transfer $$ to sis for airport parking
  • Reserve parking for in-town work in December - DONE
  • Prep for in-town work tomorrow
  • Nothing
Upcoming this week
In-town work on Tuesday
Saturday will be Xavier's bday party so we are going to my son's house.  Thinking I might give him his gift here on his real bday (dec. 7) as there will be lots of peoples and gifts anyways.

To relax this week or In my crafting basket 


My simple pleasure
Being back home

From the camera:

(More Chicago pics to come next week... the Christmas ones!)

Funny of the week:


  1. I love reading your hilday-updates. Wow, So much walking! Homecoming is nice, isn't it?

    Brrr... it's cold there. Don't forget to take a snow photo for your blog... Warm greetings from the Netherlands. Are you really knitting this week? Then I'll do it too.

  2. Hello dear Lucie! Sounds like it was a pretty epic trip. :) I have been to Chicago a few times, but never in the winter. It's fun to hear about the neat big Christmas trees they have there. Sorry there were some big city issues - but sounds like overall it was a wonderful time. 🎄 Prayers that you get a great nights sleep soon!! Love your funny - poor Santa does have it tougher than ever these days. Lol xo

  3. I have family in Chicago so I have been there a few times, even though it has been much too long! I'm glad you had a good time. You certainly walked a LOT! I would never make it!

    I decluttered more this week inspired by you. I did not keep a list again! But the important part was done. Maybe next week I will remember!

  4. So behind this week! I enjoyed catching up with your post and reading about your Chicago trip, I've never been even though it's only about 8 hours from here. Crazy about the bathrooms, have honestly never heard of having to show a receipt to get the doors unlocked. Glad they don't do that here! It sounds like the Christmas decorations were really something though. Hope you are enjoying a relaxing weekend at home!

  5. I am so sorry to be late - our Thanksgiving week took over my life LOL Sounds like you packed a lot into your time in Chicago! Glad you had a good overall trip. Santa with a QR code is too funny. I hope your week was great - see you tomorrow.
