Monday 23 October 2023

Happy Homemaker 2023-10-23

Good morning

Last week Xavier was coughing alot so he stayed home with his dad (in telework) on Monday.  Tuesday he went to daycare but they called in the afternoon as he had a slight fever (which means 24 hours before going readmitted to daycare).

Wednesday, dh picked him up to come here and drove Anne-E to daycare.  Xavier even asked to go to bed by himself in the morning and slept over 1,5 hours but his general state wasn't so bad.  When he went to bed dh started vomiting - I think he had the 24-hour flu... he was quite sick.  So ds came to pick up xavier after his nap at noon (he did not want the flu in his house and I quite understand... I told dh you stay in the basement).  so I spent some time disenfecting the house. He slept downstairs and Thursday he was ok, not top, but ok.

Friday dh had another little bout of vomiting but was fine afterwards.  Saturday was housechores.

We are babysitting (also the dog) from Sunday noon to Tuesday morning as parents are in a chalet but ddil is also sick... it'll give her some time to rest but not fun not being able to enjoy it.  Took grandkids for burgers on Sunday night and went around the streets the show them Halloween decorations (not alot but those that decorate do it nicely).  

The both had coughing fits in the night a few times.  This morning dh just drove them to daycare... they got up later and we had to rush to get them ready (not used to that!).

I have a 3:30 dentist appointment to change a filling and dh will pick up grandkids around 4:15 - 4:30 but won't be doing much today - did not sleep well.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom .  

The Weather

Rain in the forecast, I don't mind at all
Partly cloudy

Looking around the house
Our little ones are pretty scattered, will need picking up after Tuesday.

Thinking and pondering
I ordered some stuff on Amazon and from another store too, hope all fits.

Tv this week
Big brother, Alertes, Aller Simple, discussions avec mes parents, Killing Eve, The walking dead, Le bon docteur, Après le déluge, Mégantic, Entre deux draps, Indéfendable, Stats, Les moments parfaits, Nurses, une affaire criminel, some Christmas movies, started Yellowstone too... way too much

Listening to or interesting blog I saw this week

Bathroom ideas for organization

Things on the menu this week
Chicken legs, chili, leftover macaroni, ...

On my reading pile
La malédiction de St-Ferdinand by J F Dubeau 

On my to-do list

Last weekend (Done)
  • Deep-clean basement bathroom
  • Deep-cleaned main bathroom armoire and drawers
  • Some laundry
  • Desinfected upstairs bathroom again
  • Washed basement bed
  • Paid some bills
  • Ordered on Amazon and another store (clothing)
  • Post here - DONE
  • Prep for work in-town on Tuesday - DONE
  • Chili 
  • Hand-wash some dishes
  • More laundry
  • 3:30 dentist appointment
  • Get some $$ at the ATM (will take out enough to start $$ Christmas cards)
  • Declutter papers in my nightstand (maybe if I have time & feel like it)
  • Make a bday card for dniece
  • Drop off donations at thrift store
  • ...
  • 1 tea strainer (broken
  • 2 expired spices
  • 2 expired cleaning products (yucky)
  • 3 tupperware containes (to dniece)
  • 1 expired medicine
  • 1 travel toothbrush holder
  • 1 shoe scuff product (yucky)
  • Empty flosser and electric tootbrush boxes
  • 2 old floss threads (yucky)
  • 1 empty travel mouthwash bottle
  • 1 comb
  • some old elastics
Upcoming this week
Tuesday - in town work
Next weekend going to dd's to help her move.  Both her & her boyfriend are taking a week off to move and his parents will be there starting Wednesday and then will take their grandkids with them for the weekend to give them a chance to place stuff.  

To relax this week or In my crafting basket 

knit?  Still haven't started and not sure it'll be this week either

My simple pleasure
Having a grandbaby's arm around my neck while he sleeps

From the camera:
Took out a bin with Halloween hats and wigs.. fun! fun!

Halloween humor:


  1. Your Halloween humor is so funny! I'm sorry to hear about all the sickness, hope everyone is now on the mend & that you don't get sick. Fun pictures. Have a great week!

  2. Hi dear Lucie!
    You folks are such wonderful grandparents to those Littles (as well as wonderful parents helping your kiddo out). I pray everyone is healthy now and over all the bugs! Love the pics of the grandkids - so cute! Looks like they were having a lot of fun with the goodies in that bin. Lol And your funny was hilarious!! Blessings on your week ahead. xoox

  3. Ohhh so sorry you had a week of sickness! I know that is never easy and leaves for a long and exhausting week! I hope you get some rest this week! I LOVE clutterbug! I just love anything about decluttering! It's changed my life. Hope you have a good week! It was nice to catch up!
