Monday 26 June 2023

Happy Homemaker 2023-06-25

 Good morning

Today is my birthday, nothing planned... 3 years until retirement ;)

So last week boss told us it will take part of the summer before the date of our department's dissolution.  She is trying to see where she can send us... I might even have a choice of 2 places! and one is going back to working with the girls (my old team before the last reorganization)... 

Thursday was opening of the pool in our little town with hot-dogs and popcorn so the kids came over and grandkids slept over.

Friday was a hot quiet day and provincial holiday is Saturday so today was a day off.  we got the pool out for the kids.  DS picked them up around 9:30 to go to the groceries with them.  Nothing much too hot. 33rd wedding anniversary

Saturday was St-Jean-Baptiste went out for ice cream after supper.  Spent evening in the gazebo watching the big show for St-Jean-Baptiste.

Sunday - our first day of air pollution from big fires... more acres of forest down this year than in the last 10 years, really sad.  One of my uncles is in his 3rd week of being evacuated.  So I did a few things in the house in the morning but too hot.  Not too bad here, nonetheless, so spent the afternoon outside... just too nice to be inside.  Went out with the kids at a local fast-food joint for supper.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom .  

The weather

Hot, hot, hot last week.  

This week should be in the low 20's C.. perfect!

Looking around the house
Clean!  crafting stuff in a few places.  Need to finish stuff and put it away.

Thinking and pondering
CIJ is coming up! fun on Magical Holiday Home website, posting here daily, Christmas movies on Hallmark. yay :)

Tv this week
Not much

Listening to or interesting blog I saw this week

Things on the menu this week
No idea - I did polyols test last week with low fodmap, didn't go well :(  taking a few days of break before another test

On my reading pile
Les années de plomb T3 by Jean-Pierre Charland.

On my to-do list

Over the weekend
  • Wash main bathroom
  • Wash all outside front windows of the house
  • Wash big shower
  • Pay a few bills
  • Send bill to insurance for osteopath
  • Dust kitchen, LR, hallway, bedroom and office
  • Laundry

  • Post here - DONE
  • Vac main floor
  • Mop floors
  • Craft

  • An electronic device given to dh on one of his construction jobs (which we had no idea what to do with) sold on Marketplace

Upcoming this week
Nothing! vacations.  I just need rest

To relax this week or In my crafting basket 

ICAD, Christmas ornament prototype to start making my Christmas gifts, crochet scarf for men, and I got a new sketchbook,... thinking of ideas of what to put in there... foraging for plants.. or tea everything... recipes, medicinal uses, etc...

My simple pleasure

A new sketchbook with tons of ideas what to do with it

Fun fact
The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. ...

From the camera:
Playing in the pool

Breakfast in the gazebo

Fun for the week:


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope you can do something FUN today. Sure hope your job sorts itself out to your liking so you can enjoy the remaining time until retirement. FUN pictures of the kids! Try and stay safe from that horrible air pollution and have a GREAT week.

  2. Happy Birthday to You! Hope you have a wonderfully amazing day! Sounds promising about your job, hope it works out in a great way for you. Have a wonderful birthday week!

  3. We are Hot 🔥 too! Enjoy the pool and Happy Birthday!

  4. Oh, are you doing ICAD? This year was the first I'd heard of it. Maybe next year I can jump in and do that.

    And good for you that you can look around and see a clean house! Wish I could say the same!

  5. Happy Birthday dear Lucie!! 🎉 And so happy to hear the work situation may get much better. Praying it cools down and that the fires get under control 🙏 The pic of the kiddos in the pool takes me back to my kids when they were little. Such fun memories. ;) Haha on your funny! Blessings. xo

  6. Hartelijk gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag.
    De Mona Lisa zag ik een paar jaar geleden, maar dat van die wenkbrauwen zag ik niet: leuk weetje!
    En ook heel leuk om jouw blog te lezen!

  7. Happy Birthday. In Dutch: gefeliciteerd! Could you please explain what you meant by "testing polyols with low FODMAP? Would you like to share more details about your experience? I am struggling with food and allergies, so that is why I have an interest in it.

    I love the things in your crafting basket. The scarf for man etc.
    Is is still very hot there? Here the sky is dark now, I hope we have rain again.

    1. I will try to post more about the low Fodmap Diet by Monash University in Australia - a way to try to control IBS. Very hot and humid these last few weeks. Rain in the forecast this week so that will help with forest fires
