Monday 19 June 2023

Happy Homemaker 2023-06-19

 Good morning

What a week that last week!

We had grandkids after daycare for supper & for the night on Wednesday as parents were in town and had an activity after work

Thursday ddil had appendicitis(?), and had to have an emergency operation, so grandkids were picked up at daycare and spent the night here.  She was released from hospital at 10:15 pm.  dh had to get get her car at the hospital in town when ds went to pick her up.  She was in alot of pain but was released as soon as she woke up from general anesthesia... they needed the bed I guess... pffff

Friday... my boss told us she was tired of her job and is looking for something else.  so we will learn tomorrow morning where we are being dispatched :(  She is closing our department.  I had found another person to help me and he will do my emergencies during my vacation next week.

This weekend we went to town for Father's day and stayed with my parents.  got to see my brothers and sis.  I had brought lasagna for lunch on Saturday (parents, sis, bil, and 1 brother), then in the afternoon a cousin & his wife came by also.  We ended up all going to another cousin's house on Saturday night (not my brother as he had another supper scheduled).  Lots of laughter.  Sis was leaving for Detroit on Sunday for her job.  My other brother, niece and nephew came by a little while before we left a little before lunch.

We ate on the way home, stopped by a town where there was a Michael's ( a few very quick errands), and then saw that grandkids were still in town (their other grandpa had them for the weekend so ddil could rest from her operation), so we met them on that grandpa's boat, ended up having McD's for supper with them at their house and then brought the grandkids back to their parent's house.  Saved the other grandpa the trip.

This morning is stomach ache, feeling so-so but lots to do.. so on we go!

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom .  

The weather

Rained and cool all weekend.  Gray with 18C in the forecast, but should be too hot starting tomorrow... it's either cold or too hot.. pffff

Looking around the house
Nothing done, lots to do. 

Thinking and pondering
Mom is not doing better (as expected, but still hard), Dad says he will see her doctor to try to up her pills.
She is starting to dress a bit backwards... t-shirt, bra over it, and another t-shirt. :( :(
Work... another change.. this time my job is coming with me but who will be new boss? and return to 2-days a week at the office... sigh...

Tv this week
Local Survivor - need to finish watching these
Les eaux du Grand nord

Listening to or interesting blog I saw this week
Workshop week was 4,5 days of workshops for crafting, drawing, writing.  Very nice but ran out of time to do everything.
The workshops that did not interest me were those with PROCREAT, drawing on the computer, nope not for me

Things on the menu this week
No idea

On my reading pile
Les années de plomb T2 by Jean-Pierre Charland.

On my to-do list

  • Post here - DONE
  • Laundry, laundry, laundry
  • Got a 9 X 12 frame at Michaels for my watercolor paintings... should've bought 3!  they were expensive (but had 50% off), just didn't know they would do so well... darn! No Michaels around here and no one I know living near one.  Have added a watercolor painting in that frame on the mantel
  • Changed the 5 X 7 horizontal frame of ds's family with one bought at michaels
  • Just decided to start the self-clean for the oven since it'll be the only 'cool' day of the week
  • Lots to do but whatever gets done, gets done
  • .... vaccuming, soup, bathroom, laundry, a little telework, picking up here and there, resting.

  • Got a plastic rabbit out of mom's house and ready for thriftstore, a plush reindeer signing ... will end up staying here for grandkids (uh-oh decluttering one to clutter the other)
  • 1 pair of shors of dh's (too small)

Upcoming this week
Osteo appointment on Thursday

To relax this week or In my crafting basket 

ICAD combined with sketch-a-day

My simple pleasure

Once again, just being home ... and alone is better ;)

Lesson learned in the past week or good to know

Fun facts about Québec:

    • Quebec is the largest province in Canada (by area)
    • The origins of Quebec traces back to a French explorer.
    • It is French but Quebec was a British Colony and was known as Canada, once upon a time.
    • The flag of Quebec was adopted in 1948.

From the camera:

Fun for the week:... with CIJ coming up... some ideas


  1. Nothing done, lots to do sounds like things at my house right now. Good reminder to think about Christmas in July. I've worked on a few posts but have many more to go.

  2. Hello dear Lucie! I'm so sorry about your ddil - how scary! Glad she is okay now. And what a bummer about your boss. Prayers that everything falls into place for you. 🙏 Love the pics and Quebec trivia! And your grinchy fun is awesome too. Love CIJ! 🎄 Blessings on the rest of your week. xo

  3. Glad your ddil is okay! I remember one of my older brothers had to have emergency surgery for his appendix and was in the hospital quite a while (it was scary) so I can't imagine them sending her home so soon! Of course, my brother's surgery was back in the 70's. Hope you've had a wonderful week!
