Monday 14 June 2021

Happy Homemaker 2021-06-14

Hello friends!

We are now in yellow zone.   Which means we can be 2 families in the same house at the same time.

Saturday we visited with dh's cousin and his wife.  Sunday we babysat our 2 grandkids.

This morning, late in posting as I went with neighbor to try and get the 2nd dose of vaccine (without appointment for the AstraZeneca)... pffff!  left here at 5:30, got there at 6:15 and at 7:45 they had no more appointments for the day and they turned us back.... waited outside in the rain and humidity for nothing.  next time I'll have an appointment (I wasn't the one who wanted to go this morning ;) )

Got here and changed to warm dry clothes and it also means I'm already tired and day hasn't begun.  

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom .

The weather (in celsius)

Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy

We need rain, all is soooo dry!  

On my mind
Doctor called with my result for some tests, have blood in my samples so need to have a colonoscopy... uggg... ah well it might take MONTHS before I get an appointment.  anyhow it's been like that since thy found my ibs/ibd, so... won't change anything.

On the breakfast plate
Toast with oatmeal milk at 5:00 and overnight oats at 9:00

On my reading pile
Valley of the horses de Jean M. Auel.  The second in the Earth's children series.  

On my tv

La belle vie avec Go-Van
Lincoln (à la poursuite du Bone collector)
New Amsterdam
Mr. Mercedes (season 2)
The Walking dead (season 8)

Interesting youtube vlog I saw this week

On the menu this week
Lundi - Pasta with tomato sauce and ground veal
Mercredi - 
Jeudi -   Grilled cheese
Friday - 

From the camera:

From the web... it's a day like this... love these days

Looking around the house
Not so bad as I did alot this weekend.

On my to-do list 

Over the weekend
  • Laundry
  • Wash main bathroom
  • Vac main floor
  • Wash my bedding and remake bed
  • Made sheppards pie (sent the leftovers to ds & family)
  • Made Pasta with tomato sauce and ground veal (gave a small pan to ds & family)
  • Cut up pineapple
  • Baked muffins (dh did them)
  • Made 3 overnight oats breakfasts
  • Weeded all flower beds

Monday or during the week (as time permits)
  • Post here - DONE
  • Menu-plan - 
  • Wait in line for 2nd dose of vaccine - without appointment and NOT get it - DONE
  • Work 1 hour telework
  • Start ds' old bedroom closet.... way too much in there, it won't be done for sure today because decluttering has to happen and he needs to come here to see what he wants to keep.
  • Rest

To relax this week or In my crafting basket 
Read outside if I can.  Plan my summer fun!

Quote of the week 

1 comment:

  1. Glad things are opening up more for you! Sorry you weren't able to get your 2nd shot though! Sounds like you had a full weekend getting so many chores done. Have a GREAT week.
