Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Christmas in July 2020 day 1 / Noël en juillet 2020 jour 1

CIJ day 1 / jour 1
When my kids were young I used to buy each of them a chocolate calendar.  Most of the time they didn’t eat the chocolate, but it was a tradition and the elves always brought them the calendar on December 1st.
Now that the kids are no longer at home I have made myself a fabric calendar (pouches). 

I plan for myself a relaxing – zen calendar.  I put small pieces of paper with things to do inside the pouches.  Sometimes it’s also a chocolate, tea, …
Here’s an example of what I mean
·        Chocolate (a GOOD one) – of course this idea could be used and reused quite a few times. J
·        Fancy teabag
·        Simple bedtime yoga routine
·        Facial mask night
·        15 minutes of relaxation – No tech time
·        Watch a Christmas movie – I think every Friday night will be one of these
·        Write in my happiness journal
·        Read a Christmas magazine
·        Make a cup of hot chocolate and relax in front of the Christmas tree and reflect on Christmas
·        Do a RAK (Random act of kindness)
·        15 minutes of meditation or positive reading
·        Deep-breathing
·        Journal or draw in my Christmas journal
·        Do something nice for my husband
·        Work on my 2017 goals
·        Write a list of places I would like to visit
·        Hand care – massage + cream
·        Read a Christmas story from Chicken Soup for the Christmas Soul
·        Foot massage
·        Go to bed early
·        Burn a candle and listen to music


  1. I have always liked this ideal. I did my kids a poster with a gift a day until they were out of school.

    Now I have Teigan. I shop for items all year long for it. So items are normally under a dollar.

  2. Happy Christmas in July 2020! Love your list of things to include in the pouches.

  3. What a great idea! I may do this for me and my husband. It would be very different for us. I'm really looking forward to your A-Z posts.

  4. I love this idea. May have to copy you. I don't do enough for myself during the holidays and it would be nice to treat me. Reading Christmas magazines would be repeated several times as well as Christmas movies. Thanks for sharing Lucie.
