Monday 15 July 2024

Happy Homemaker 2024-07-15

Good morning 

Well still another busy week last week... picked up all around the house inside / out with roofers here the week before.  Still have front windows I want to rewash (or rather have dh rewash) and wash patio floor and basement floor.  Had grandkids for supper on Wednesday and Friday.  They sleptover on Friday (parents were at the music festival in Quebec City). We brought them to the small pier, they played in the sand in campground next to pier, ice cream at McD's, watched the procession at Ste-Anne Basilica and visited inside - they did good not speaking or running. Saturday morning dh, ds, and grandkids went to Xavier's baseball - this gave me time to pick up a bit before dd got here with family. Great family time, all left around 2:00 to go home

Thursday I received email I was accepted for govt exam... on MONDAY! today!!! almost no time to study with house full all weekend.  crossing my fingers.  Please send positive vibes that I pass... it won't change my job as I know they have already selected the names before the exam (I saw the list of names pass since I take care of this).  

Ok, so I NEED so time to rest... been too busy last few weeks.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom .  

The weather
Over this hot and humid weather.  Not even vacation yet and already tired of it all.

Partly cloudy
Scattered thunderstorms
Scattered showers

Looking around the house

Lots to do with house full all weekend.

Thinking and pondering
Lots of work to finish at the office this week before my vacations next week.  We have plans for the 2nd week of vacay but nothing for the 1st.  I just want to rest but I know dh wants to go out and play ;)  
Change of plans:  dd wants us to babysit 1 night during our vacation so they can have a night off.  will see when I get to see my parents

Tv this week

When calls the heart (season 10)
Some Christmas movies
CSI vegas (season 1)
The traitors (season 2)
Walking dead (last season)

Listening to or interesting blog I saw this week


On my reading pile
Plus jamais malade by Denis Fortier - cannot read it in one sitting.  I've read the chapter about headaches and there are good exercises in there.
Il neige sur Central Park by Nora Roberts - just finished it.  need to find another

On my to-do list

  • Post here ✅
  • Prep for in-town work tomorrow
  • Govt Exam (1 is 2,5 hours and 1 is 1,5 hours), at least it is online now. ✅  just finished it.. it was hard... only abstract concepts... so no idea how I did... ah well, it is what it is.  I am burnt out for the rest of the day
  • Wash patio window... lots of little handprints there
  • Laundry, laundry, laundry
  • Pass defuzzer on my new dress... not liking how the dress is turning out

  • 1 water bottle
  • 2 children food toys
Upcoming this week
Friday - vacation!!!

To relax this week or In my crafting basket 

Just reading in the shade.  I have to rev up my batteries

From the camera:

Quote of the week:



  1. I wish you luck today and I hope you succeed.
    It helps if you stay calm 😉 and have a nice holiday!

  2. Your Grands are precious! And I agree, I'm so over the hot weather. Bath and Body had their fall candles out the other day, and I'm here for it! My daughter and I still haven't finished When Calls the Heart!!! I haven't seen any spoilers though, so hopefully we can catch up, this is our week to stay home so we can get that done too! LOL! Have a great week!

  3. Oh the hot weather, I'm so sick of it. We are getting some rain later in the week and I can't wait. Have a wonderful week ♥

  4. Yay for vacay!! Prayers for the test - hope it goes great. :) Always love seeing the pics of your adorable grands. Blessings on the rest of your week dear Lucie.

  5. I can't believe how big the grand kids are getting! I hope you get everything done in time to enjoy your vacation! What exactly is the gov't exam for? I hope you did well. I need to finish When Calls the Heart also. I hope the rest of your week goes well.
