Monday 17 July 2023

Happy Homemaker 2023-07-17


Good morning

Last week was busy with work, grandkids for supper and sleep over a few times, getting ready for our weekend.

Weekend was with a group of friends (6 couples), we have known each other since ds's hockey days.  we used to rent a cottage once a year but somehow it went wayward... people busy, etc.... but last weekend we spent at one's house from Friday night until Sunday after breakfast.  He has the space and the backyard setup is quite something.  We had lots of fun and laughter, laughter, laughter and for once no stomach aches (of course I was careful and didn't have any alcoholic beverages) so it was a great weekend.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom .  

The weather

Last week was rain, storms, muggy.  DS's entryway gravel was swept away once again... always starting over.

Looking around the house
It's ok but I feel like I have too much once again.  At our friend's house ... he has lots of space (5 bedrooms) and main floor is kitchen and LR only there were lots of decor items... it's beautiful but too much for me.

Thinking and pondering
Lots to do ... but vacations are starting next weekeend!

Tv this week
Christmas movies which I dvrd

Listening to or interesting blog I saw this week
Christmas through the decades is the theme this year.

Things on the menu this week
Absolutely no idea

On my reading pile
The mammoth hunters by Jean Auel (rereading - summer reading)

On my to-do list

  • Post here - DONE
  • Laundry, laundry, laundry
  • Vac main floor
  • Wash main bathroom
  • Work on Christmas ornaments
  • Grandkids are coming for supper and sleepover

Upcoming this week
Vacations start Friday after work!!

To relax this week or In my crafting basket 

Felt gingerbread men ornaments

My simple pleasure

Working on my sketchbook

From the camera:

A few pictures of our weekend setup

Fun for the week:


  1. I'm curious about the felt gingerbread men.
    What fun in your photos.
    I wish you a happy holiday!

  2. Working on your sketchbook sounds like a wonderful way to unwind. Thanks for sharing a glimpse of your weekend. I love your selfie. Wishing you a fantastic week ahead! O and what is the name of your felt gingerbread men?

    1. Have not thought of naming him. would be a nice touch

  3. Catching up with old friends is awesome, isn't it? Have a great week!

  4. Wow, looks like such a fun back yard! So glad you were feeling better... I can't imagine living in Canada with those fires everywhere. Doesn't the smoke get to you?? We have it here in Virginia!

    1. Don't know why but we only had half a day of smelling smoke here

  5. Hello dear Lucie! Yay for no belly issues!! And sure looks like it was a a fun time. What a great set up - wow! And super yay for upcoming vacation. Woo hoo! 🎉 Blessings. xoxo

  6. Oh, I hope you have a great week leading up to vacation! The setup and friend gathering looks like a fun time. I keep trying to talk the other teachers into doing Christmas in July just for one day at preschool next week...hard sell when it's almost 100 degrees out I guess ;)

  7. YAY for vacations starting Friday, but the pictures look like you started early! :D I LOVE that you do Christmas in July every year. The closest I get is the Hallmark movies. Hope you;re having a GREAT week.
