Monday, 18 February 2019

Happy Homemaker 2019-02-18

Linking up to Sandra at Diary of a Stay at home mom 

We had a snow week.  Big snowstorm on Wednesday but still went in to work, never should've done that, last time I do.  Start at 7:30 but they decided to close the office at 8:30.  Everybody gets paid for the day whether they work or not.  I had gone to work with my husband (who's job did not close), so had to stay there until 4:30.  Decided I might as well work in the morning... usually arrangements can be made with bosses for to take back the hours you worked.  Seems everyone I know who worked anyways or who worked long-distance gets to get their hours back.  Except me!  My boss refused.  Guess he didn't have to but it would have been nice.  Good thing I did not work in the afternoon after he told me whatever time I do is 'volunteer' work.  And he told me this while laughing.  pffff! so not impressed with that boss since his arrival.

Then more snowstorm on Friday.  We had almost 3 feet in all the week.  My desk was moved again and then they told me I might be moving again... they can't seem to decide where to put me... they say they need me both places, either that or they don't know where to dump me.

On the home front we had ceramic guys here this weekend for the bathroom.  They came saturday and then sunday they had to remove a tile on the shower wall :(  It still looks nice once finished though.

We babysat my son's dog on Saturday night too.  He even slept on our bed until they picked them up.

My dad's eye seems to be ok, he is seeing an opthalmologist this week but he was seen almost everyday last week and a scan was done.  On the other hand with the scan they discovered he has artery that is 80% blocked, so he will see another doctor for that.

On with this weeks Happy Homemaker series

* Please note I might not visit all blogs this week as computer keeps closing off every few minutes.

The weather (in celsius)

Nuageux dans l'ensemble
-9 °
-21 °
Ensoleillé dans l'ensemble
-11 °
-21 °
Partiellement couvert
-8 °
-14 °
-3 °
-11 °
Ensoleillé dans l'ensemble
-2 °
-11 °

What I am reading
Les portes du Québec T1  by Jean-Pierre Charland.  Historic fiction novel in Quebec City in the late 1800's.

On my tv 
Les pays d'en Haut
L'heure bleue
Unité 9
La pecheresse
Les invisibles
Un zoo pas comme les autres
Les naufragés de l'amour
Le bon docteur 
Finshed watching all the Christmas movies I had dvrd

Menu - planning
Monday - Ham, veggie quiche
Tuesday - Rice/chicken casserole
Wednesday - Sausage and potatoes
Thursday - Spaghetti

On my to-do list 
Over the weekend I vaccumed basement.  Baked muffins, prepped my overnight oats for the week, prepped the rice-chicken casserole.  Dusted dd's bedroom.  Washed shower.  Everytime I turn around something else is dirty and I have bathroom accessories and pieces in every darn room.  I did declutter a few more dvds

  • Post here - DONE
  • Yoga
  • Prep gym clothes and work clothes for tomorrow
  • Menu plan - DONE
  • Write notes for next doctor's appointment about what gastro told me
  • Prep quiche
  • Call mom
  • Craft
  • vaccum main floor (can't access main bathroom as the ceramic grout is drying.
What I am knitting, crocheting and crafting
knitted socks
Crochet mittens for my daughter

Looking forward to
Having my home back one day after the bathroom renovation!  I'm getting discouraged, all is upside down.

A simple pleasure

From the camera

Roses and chocolate for Valentine's day

Snow on the patio

Quote of the week 


  1. Wow that wasn't nice of your boss to say, that's awful. Sorry you had to go through that.

    Hope you stay warm, looks like you are still getting lots of snow and cold weather.

    Have a wonderful week.

    1. Thanks for your good words. Hoping we get warmer weather soon.

  2. I will never complain about cold temps again!! Goodness!!!!! Stay warm and God bless you!!!

    1. Haha, I'm guessing you don't live in Canada ;)
      Looks like this year we are having 8 months of cold instead of 6!

  3. That is A LOT of snow. Wow. Sorry for all the work stresses, makes things hard. Hope they improve and settle down soon. Hope you stay safe & warm and have a wonderful week.

    1. Thanks, will dress warmly and just do my job and all should be allright. Easier to deal with than sickness, just not fun.

  4. Your boss sounds like an idiot... never denigrate the people working for you, keeping your business going. Oy vey. Thanks for writing in English, my little French is N'est pas bon. In fact, my French teacher when I lived in Canada said I spoke French with a spanish accent (a put down!) and I said, my high school French teacher was from Cuba so....
    I watch le bon doctor too.

    1. Goodwill would have been so much easier on everyone! at least you tried speaking french, who cares about the accent? I'm trying to learn spanish and I'm sure I have a big French accent :)

  5. Man... bosses everywhere are pain in the butts! I don't care for my new one either. Hope you don't get any more snow... I am over all that keeps getting dumped on us! Have a great week!

  6. Thanks Rebecca! I will make it a good week no matter what
