Monday, 4 February 2019

Happy Homemaker 2019-02-04

Linking up to Sandra at Diary of a Stay at home mom 

It was another week of COLD and snow.  
Friday evening I was sick to my stomach (my Crohn's disease I think) and I also think I had a stone in my urinary tract.  Took some medication and felt better when I went to bed.
My daughter came to spend the weekend with us.  Saturday night we had a fondue supper with my daughter, my son and his girlfriend.
I made some spaghetti sauce on Saturday and froze some cooked ground beef.  Then I helped my daughter prep her filling for her 4 mexican pies and 4 salmon pies.  My husband was the one who rolled the dough.   I made my daughter a scarf over the weekend too and we managed to declutter some of the remaining stuff in her bedroom.
Sunday was vaccum main floor, laundry, working on the puzzle.
Did  not sleep well last night, hot flashes - yuck!  My thumbs are hurting this morning (too much crocheting) so will have to wear my thumb orthesis (has been a very long time since I used it).

The weather (in celsius)
Rain and Snow
Snow Showers
Snow with brief sleet

Partly Cloudy

What I am reading
Au rythme de ton souffle  by Nicholas Sparks

On my tv 
Les pays d'en Haut
L'heure bleue
Cheval - serpent (decided I'm not liking it enough so stopped programming that one)
Unité 9
La pecheresse
Les invisibles
Un zoo pas comme les autres
Les naufragés de l'amour
Le bon docteur 

Menu - planning
Monday - Yet to be determined
Tuesday - Lasagna
Wednesday - Soup and grilled cheese
Thursday - Spaghetti (did not happen last week)

On my to-do list 

  • Declutter - One thing a room
  • Post here - DONE
  • Yoga 
  • Prep gym clothes and work clothes for tomorrow - DONE
  • Menu plan - DONE
  • Prep overnight oats for my breakfasts this week
  • Cut up pineapple
  • Make a soup
  • Upstairs bathroom 
  • Pay bills
  • Schedule gastro appointment

What I am knitting, crocheting and crafting
knitted socks
Scarf for my daughter - finished
Start crochet mittens for my daughter

Looking forward to
Decorating for St-Patrick's day!

A simple pleasure
Sitting outside with the sun to warm me up

From the camera

Quote of the week 


  1. Cute scarves!! Have a great week!!

  2. Those scarves are very pretty! Hope you feel better & have a wonderful week ahead.

  3. Good morning Lucie! Hope you're feeling better now. Looks like you've got a busy day ahead. Hope you have a great week! Blessings! <3

  4. Ooooh, I love those scarves! Great job! And yes -- I'm with you. Getting a bit of sunshine outside feels SO good! Have a great week!

  5. That's a pretty scarf, I am unable to crochet, no matter how many times I have tried to learn. Your quote is so funny, and now I am off to eat cake :-)

  6. I love to crochet! Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

