Monday 14 October 2024

Happy Homemaker 2024-10-14

Good morning!  Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian friends

What a busy week and weekend.  DH went with ds and ddil to look at a used car that they will be buying.  He also got our Rav-4 oiled before winter.  I took Friday afternoon off to finalize a few things before family arrived for lunch Saturday.

DD, boyfriend + 2 children, my parents, my sister and bil, my brother and girlfriend, and ds, ddil and 2 grandkids spent weekend here (but ds and ddil did not sleep here as they live 5 minutes away and the house was full).  Only one brother didn't make it.

We went to local white geese festival to walk around and see the small marketplace.  There were some inflatable games for the grandkids, old vintage cars, ... it was a nice weekend. the colors were beautiful.  SIL had brought supper for Saturday (lasagnas and chocolate cake) and sis had brought the onion soup for lunch Sunday.  I took care of the rest.  My family left Sunday after lunch but dd and family stayed and left after supper at the same time as ds' family.  

Today I am tired and as you can guess have lots of housechores to do... with 4 grandkids and sil's dog.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom .  

The weather
Scattered showers
Partly cloudy
Mostly sunny
Partly cloudy
A Fall week... Today rainy and windy ... the leaves are falling

Looking around the house
All has to be done main floor and basement... will do it as I can 

Thinking and pondering
Just too tired to thnk and ponder

Tv this week

Big Brother season 26
Doute raisonnable
Discussions avec mes parents
Bon matin Chuck  
Les perles
Marco Lachance
Temps de chien (saison 2)
Inspirez, Expirez
Occupation double
Abysse not liking it so have stopped recording it
Reruns of La Galère

Listening to or interesting blog I saw this week

Nothing no time

On my reading pile
Plus jamais malade by Denis Fortier - have put this on hold but need to get back to it.  
The Housemade by Freida McFadden

On my to-do list

  • Post here ✅
  • 10:30 Tai-chi class 
  • Laundry
  • Vac main floor
  • Mop kitchen, kitchenette, bathroom, hallway et LR
  • Wash bathroom on main floor
  • 1 sinus bottle (just wanted the salt envelopes and was sold with it)
  • Toy four-wheeler
  • Toy gun
  • 5 food toys
  • 2 toy block parts
  • 1 police car
  • 1 pen
  • 2 plastic train wagons
Upcoming this week
Monday 10:30 Tai-Chi class
Wednesday in-town work (my in-town day was changed this week for a meeting), then in the evening there is a food-freezer company coming (sigh... but I did accept their free testing package, so...)
DS is to pick up his new used car .. so glad they are getting another car, the old one was scary.

Christmas prep

Work on Christmas ornament - STILL to do

From the camera:

Internet picture of the week

Monday 7 October 2024

Happy Homemaker 2024-10-07

Good morning!

Sciatiac and sore neck are now ok.  still coughing a little but not as deeply so I'm feeling much better.

Had a busy weekend.  DDIL was with her sister most of the weekend so ds and grandkids (and shedding dog) arrived Friday for supper and left just before supper on Sunday.  I had them make some Halloween houses out of paperbags (saw that on FB), then got them to decorate a little for Halloween.  Saturday afternoon dh and I went to give our sympathies to our friend for her brother's passing (1 hour from here), was looking for a funeral home but it was in a wineyard house, very nice.  Got back here at 4:00.  Went to A&W with ds and grandkids for supper then had our dessert at sil's & bil's house.  The were happy to have the grandkids over.  Left around 8:00.

Sunday ds went with both kids to their swimming lessons and to get his groceries and I got a few housechores in.  After ds & grandkids left we went to restaurant with bil and sil for supper.

Oh and during the weekend the bathroom sink got clogged up and dh & ds finally got it fixed Sunday morning.  Glad it happened this weekend and not next one when guests will be here.

Need to get the house guest ready as next week is our Canadian Thanksgiving. I've invited my family.. I know sis, bil, dad and mom are coming as is dd, boyfriend and 2 children.  I don't know about my brothers yet.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom .  

Love the new image Sandra got for us

The weather
Partly cloudy
Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy
Partly cloudy

A much cooler week

Looking around the house
Main floor is ok, I got alot done yesterday.  Need to go work in the basement 

Thinking and pondering
Thanksgiving weekend next weekend... another busy weekend! 

Tv this week

Big Brother season 26
Doute raisonnable
Discussions avec mes parents
Bon matin Chuck  
Les perles
Marco Lachance
Temps de chien (saison 2)
Inspirez, Expirez
Occupation double
Abysse not liking it so have stopped recording it
Reruns of La Galère

Listening to or interesting blog I saw this week

Nothing - Sketchbook revival was enough for me for the week.. I thought it was 7 days but it was 14 days.  still have to go through day 13 and 14

On my reading pile
Plus jamais malade by Denis Fortier - have put this on hold but need to get back to it.  
Angélique by Guillaume Musso

On my to-do list

Over the weekend
  • Laundry
  • Wash main bathroom (and mop floor)
  • Wash basement bathroom
  • Vac main floor
  • Dust bedroom, office and kitchenette

  • Post here ✅
  • 10:30 Tai-chi class 
  • Laundry
  • Prep for in-town work tomorrow 
  • Put washed bedding on 2 basement beds
  • Work in basement
  • Mop kitchen, kitchenette et LR
  • 8 sweaters
  • 2 plastic bedding bags
  • 1 small ceramic elephant
  • 2 old razors
  • 1 pumice stone
Upcoming this week
Monday 10:30 Tai-Chi class
Tuesday in-town work and 2nd kinesiotherapie appointment 
Thanksgiving weekend

Christmas prep

Work on Christmas ornament - STILL to do
Will have to be after Thanksgiving... too busy until then

From the camera:

Internet picture of the week

Monday 30 September 2024

Happy Homemaker 2024-09-30

Good morning!

Last week was antibiotics week with lots of coughing, sciatica and sore neck.  1st good night was Thursday night.  Did not go to my tai-chi class, kinsiotherapist or in-town work.  Antibiotics ended Friday... hopefully they will continue their action...

Grandchildren came for a few hours most of the week. I took last Tuesday off work and Friday afternoon (we went to costco.. my first outing in 2 weeks.. in and out and that was enough for me)

Had the sketchbook revival week on FB, 2 sessions per day, was nice to watch.

Weekend was quite, no grandkids so I caught up on some housechores and did some cooking.

DDIL is starting a new job today and I should make it to my Tai-chi class for the 1st time.  Glad it's only at 10:30... been nauseous in the mornings since this cold.

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom .  

The weather
Partly cloudy
Mostly sunny
Scattered showers
Partly cloudy
Mostly cloudy

Today is 19C so it'll be nice

Looking around the house
The 'ordinary' is done but I need to do some extras before the Holidays.  Next time grandkids
are around I'll take out some Halloween so they can start decorating

Thinking and pondering
Chatted with dad on FT this weekend.  will need to go see them soon or they will come.  Have 

invited them for Thanksgiving weekend.
Sis is in Ireland for her job ... 1st time in Europe.

Tv this week

Big Brother season 26
Doute raisonnable
Discussions avec mes parents
Bon matin Chuck
Les perles
Marco Lachance
Temps de chien (saison 2)
Les révoltés finished season 1
Inspirez, Expirez
Occupation double
Reruns of La Galère

Listening to or interesting blog I saw this week

Nothing - Sketchbook revival was enough for me for the week

On my reading pile
Plus jamais malade by Denis Fortier - have put this on hold but need to get back to it.  
The secrets you keep by Kate White

On my to-do list

Over the weekend
  • Deep clean 2 entry closets
  • Deep clean pantry
  • Laundry
  • Wash my bedding and add a 'winter' blanket
  • Finished deep-cleaning all kitchen cabinets (last week)
  • Wash main bathroom
  • Vac main floor
  • Made a big ragout de boulettes for freezing and a bit for 1 meal this week
  • Cooked fish (had bought at costco) so had 2 meals and will freeze the rest
  • Made some stuffed peppers for 1 meal and a big dish for freezing
  • Made a chicken / rice casserole... either for this week or for freezing.

  • Post here ✅
  • 10:30 Tai-chi class 
  • Laundry, 
  • Prep for in-town work tomorrow 
  • Put away food in freezer and send some to my son
  • 1 metal pan
  • 3 small tupperware 
  • 3 big tupperwares
  • 1 pen
  • Veggie brush
  • 1 baby spoon
  • 1 long sweatshirt
  • Plastik fork
  • 1 small plastic bowl
  • 2 shoe racks
Upcoming this week
Monday 10:30 Tai-Chi class
Tuesday in-town work and 2nd kinesiotherapie appointment (since it needs to be cancelled at least 48 hours in advance and did not know if I would be coughing still or not, so I cancelled... will take another appointment at a later date)
Also cancelled my osteo appointment oct 10 (have enough of 1 specialist at a time $$) .  DH took an appointement to get the car oiled at that date

Christmas prep

Work on Christmas ornament - STILL to do
Added to gift closet
  • For my son a Fall jacket at Costco - will be part of his Christmas gift
  • 4 bags of dinosaur candies (for 4 grandkids)
  • A Jim Shore German Santa ornament for ME
  • 5 pairs of winter socks and 12 short socks to add to girls' gifts
  • 1 knit sweater from Costco... not yet decided if for me or ddil

From the camera:

Internet picture of the week

Monday 23 September 2024

Happy Homemaker 2024-09-23

 Good morning!

I was sick most of the week last week with a cold.. 2nd week... geez.  then my sciatica acted up too... sigh.  Ended up going to hospital on Saturday morning (clinics are closed on the weekends), suspicion of pneumonia so have antibiotics for 7 days... still coughing, coughing, coughing.  

Had 1st tai-chi class this morning, will not attend.  Tomorrow is in-town work and kinesiotherapy appointment (much needed) but will not go to either one.  

Between 10:00 and 2:00 is not too bad so will try to get things done during that time.  Beginning of the Sketchbook revival class week too so might watch those today (2 classes per day).

Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom .  

The weather
Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
A cooler week

Looking around the house
Much to do .... 

Thinking and pondering
Have talked to sis about our 4-day weekend  we had planned in Philadelphia ... will skip it for this year ($$ exchange is way too much).  However we will try to find a weekend in a camp for end of October or beginning of November and will try to convince parents to come with us.
I have invited them and parents for Thanksgiving weekend.

Tv this week

Big Brother season 26
Doute raisonnable
Discussions avec mes parents
Bon matin Chuck
Les perles
Marco Lachance
Irrationnal - decided not to follow this one
Temps de chien (saison 2)
Les révoltés
Inspirez, Expirez
Occupation double
Reruns of La Galère

Listening to or interesting blog I saw this week


On my reading pile
Plus jamais malade by Denis Fortier - cannot read it in one sitting.  
La sage femme d'Auschwitz by Anna Stuart

On my to-do list

Over the weekend
  • Vac main floor 
  • Cut plants in front of the house
  • Cut a few plants in back of house
  • Put a post in local FB group for some plants to give... no responses yet
  • 1 load of laundry

  • Post here ✅
  • 10:30 Tai-chi class - NOT GOING
  • Laundry, 
  • Prep for in-town work tomorrow - NOT GOING
  • Wash main bathroom 
  • Sketchbook revival
  • Cancel Kinesio appointment... will call, hoping she won't charge even though it says on her site that they charge 50% if cancelled less than 24 hours.  ah well if she does will not be going back there I guess.

  • Rubber mat sold by dh on Marketplace
  • 1 pen
  • Instructions for old tv remote
  • Instructions for old cable terminal which we don't have anymore
  • 2021 IKEA catalogue
  • 1 Tupperware container 
  • 1 tea bottle (not watertight)
  • attachments for food chopper (have never used them in 30 years)
  • 3 cans of spray paint
  • 2 baby bottle tops
  • 1 pen
Upcoming this week
Monday 10:30 First Tai-Chi class
Tuesday in-town work and 2nd kinesiotherapie appointment
Sketchbook revival week

To relax this week or In my crafting basket 

Work on Christmas ornament - STILL to do

From the camera:

Thoughts of the week
I NEED days like this