Good morning and good-bye January
Another busy week at work - had to work half a day on my Monday off.
Thursday daycare centers were on strike so dh took care of grandkids and they stayed over for the night.
Saturday was regular houschores - I prefer to come back from vacation to a clean house. We are leaving Monday to go to my sister's and taking the plane for Florida at 6:00 am Tuesday morning. Spent the evening at neighbor's to chat.
Sunday had a free FB webinair on how to eliminate food waste. Picking up, going through suitcase one last time to be sure I have everything. This post was written on Sunday night just in case.
Let's join Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom . ,
Looking around the house
All has been picked up, except for some stuff in the office ... I need to work on a few things for income taxes and start rereading retirement stuff.
Thinking and pondering
Florida trip! Hopefully all will be fantastic
TV this week
- Indéfendable (saison 3)
- Stats (saison 3)
- L'oeil du cyclone (saison 4)
- Dumas (season 1)
- Cerebrum (saison 3)
- Alertes (saison 5)
- Mea Culpa (saison 1)
- Sorcières (saison 2)
- Veille sur moi (saison 1)
- Détective surprenant (saison 1)
- Passez au salon (saison 1)
- In Memoriam (saison 1)
- Vestiaires (saison 1)
- Le bon docteur (saison 7)
- L'amour est dans le pré (saison 13)
- Doc (saison 3)
- Les petits tannants (saison 4)
- Épique: Massif de Charlevoix
- La Galère (saison 3)
- En direct de l'univers (saison 16)
- Big brother (saison 5)
Nothing this week, all will be dvrd
Interesting blog I saw this week
On my reading pile
Have to choose a new book as I finished the other one
On my to-do list
Last weekend
- Laundry
- wash main bathroom
- Dust main floor
- Vac main floor
- Figure out state of my finances and where to take the $$ for the CELI (income tax purposes), print out a few income tax papers (not all are ready)
- Post here
- Tai-chi class... probably won't be going, depends what time we leave to go to sis'
- 3 hour ride to sis's
- 2 sweaters of dh's became rags
- 1 metal stud he had in garage givent to bil for renovations
- Went through papers on counter and threw out quite a few
Upcoming this week
Monday - Leaving for Montreal
Tuesday - Leaving for Miami
From the camera
Funny of the week
ReplyDeleteSorry I'm running so late! I was a week off on your trip. Keeping you and your family in my prayers as you travel - hope you're having a GREAT trip. Have a great weekend my friend.