Friday, 5 July 2013

Christmas in July 2013 - day 5 / Jour 5 - Friday night at the movies

I’ve decided to continue the tradition of Friday night at the movies with Christmas movies for this Christmas in July.

Today will be a Christmas Story.
Can you believe I have NEVER seen that movie? But I can tell you a secret… the elves will be bringing it this year!
Here’s an ornament I’d like to make. At some point I had found a tutorial on the Web but can’t seem to put my hand on it anymore. Anyhow, a Barbie leg, a bottle cap (for the bottom), and some paper supplies. Just need to figure out how the lamp part could be done.

Je vais poursuivre la tradition des vendredis Cinéma de Noël! Cette semaine ce sera Une Histoire de Noël. Difficile à croire mais je n’ai jamais vu ce film.
J’aimerais bien réussir à faire la lampe-jambe ci-dessus pour mettre dans l’arbre. J’avais trouvé un tutoriel sur le Web mais je suis incapable de le retrouver. Je sais qu’il utilisait une jambe de Barbie, un bouchon (sous le pied) et du papier. Je me demande comme faire la partie abat-jour par contre.

Cookies / biscuits


  1. I've never seen it either and it will be on my list this holiday season!

  2. This movie is one of our favorites! There is a cable station here (TBS) that shows it 24 hours straight Christmas Eve into Christmas Day. It is very funny. The cookies are so cute. Thanks for your comments on my blog. I checked out your advent calendar - cute! I'll be checking in on your CIJ posts.

    1. wow! 24 hours straight of the movie playing? must be a really good movie! loved your blog :)
